Joking aside, we have a broken training system in this country. I say that because I'm an old school C&G sort and the current CITB scheme (where they incidentally don't recognise C&G qualifications) delivers qualifications called NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) or "Not Very Qualifieds" as we call them. These are based on someone adjudicating the nominees' work, but the system is open to abuse and corruption (like assessors taking back handers), so to my mind an NVQ often isn't worth the paper it is written on.
I have grown weary of picking up stupid errors in work which should never have happened, of shoddy workmanship, and of botched jobs. If you do employ a carpenter and joiner in future might I suggest you pick someone over the age of 35 who can produce either C&G qualifications, or who can supply references. And watch his first efforts before letting him proceed