Trump fails to make any peace

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Its so ridiculous, Mary said from her bedroom last night, she is not buying any more U.S imported goods, when asked what she buys she quoted "she is often in Ikea but not any more".
All of these links that your posting are playing with your head, you have been suckered into this and are spending way too much energy on this hatred of trump. It is frightening to see.
It is so easy to organise this sort of thing in the social media age. I wonder whether Trump was expecting this sort of reaction. My gut feeling is that it has come as a real shock to him that 90%+ of people in Canada and Greenland hate the idea of becoming American. He probably can't even begin to understand why, and was expecting to be greeted with open arms.
I will still buy American goods if I want them. I bet iphone sales and apple products still sell like hotcakes
I can see Trump making America great again with these tariffs, it will become a designer thing having an American brand, a bit like having a rolex watch on your wrist.
He doesn't consider anything like that, it is all knee jerk, policy making on the hoof.

The tariffs seem to be made up on the hoof. No clear aim has been stated. But I think the domestic Project 2025 stuff is a lot more strategic. Even if they have to reinstate these workers temporarily, the idea is to get all these rulings before the Supreme Court.
I see plenty walking around in MAGA hats, never seen anyone in a ban American goods hats. I think that says it all.
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