Trump guilty

.... because invading Iraq 'sorted it out'?

Iran is twice as populous as Iraq, heavily armed and smart enough to pay attention to what happened to Iraq. They'll dig infantry into buildings and it would cost an ocean of blood to dig them out. No one wants to invade Iran.

Who mentioned invading ?? Or digging them out ?
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There was a retired Republican adviser on Bloomberg - pointing out that 2 or 3 judges had refused to accept the case against T. So the State (whatever that is) reappointed judges until they found one who would take the case. He made it sound objectively pretty dubious. Even if not, that'll be a welcome view for T's supporters to adopt.
But there are three more (sets of) accusations iirc. I don't see T getting off the one about trying to get the Georgian governor to "find him some more votes", or the one about his supporting the attack on the Capitol.
Do I care? Not much except that I don't think Trump is trustworthy, he has some sort of personality problem.
I do feel connected to the Ukraine war. so I'd like Putin given as much grief as possible, but support for Ukraine will run out eventually, or their government will fracture. Maybe Trump would wind it up sooner.
There are some reasonable people wanting Trump back. He did get some things done, and he puts Ammurica first. Their economy is in a pathetic state of near-collapse. I don't think it got better under Trump, but for those wishing to stop paying so much to Ukraine, he would appeal. The payments are of similar order to the cost of US Education, Training, and Employment.
What divides the Republican Party of 2024 is not any one policy or ideology. It is not whether to support Donald Trump. The most important fault line in the party now is democracy itself. Today’s Republican insurgents believe democracy has been stolen, and they don’t trust the ability of democratic processes to restore it.

When Steve Bannon developed the 'precinct strategy', he ensured the GoP was infected from the base with the MAGA mob who could then choose to elect their favoured candidate to spread the message in Congress. They are a virus. In Trump terms, they enacted a hostile takeover of the GoP and will not stop until the manifesto is complete. Many of them believe they are on a mission from God. They have drunk the kool-ayd and eaten the propaganda with a big spoon. Any candidate this year who denies the election was stolen is a heretic to be shouted down and shunned.

Rejoice they are 'over there' and enjoy the trivial entertainment of Ed Davey's pratfalls - until it's all over and the Tories begin to eat their lame ducks.
That was nothing more than a circle of mental masturbation.

I don't actually know what was discussed, because I went out to the shop. And by the time I got back, the whole thread had been deleted.

But why did you alter my post to completely distort what I wrote? I'd be grateful if you could please change it back to what I actually wrote?
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