Trump seeks to bump up his support

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Trump will bounce back ;) he is on on course for another 5 years

then it will hit the fan ;) Trump will carpet bomb some one ;)

The mad mullahs in Iran had best get the Geneva accounts sorted out and keep there running plimsolls handy :LOL:

it will be curtains for them
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I have no idea what a K-pop stan is, but bloody well done anyway.:)

A stan is 'an overzealous or obsessive fan'. It comes from that Eminem tune from the '90s where one of his fans called Stan writes to him:

K-pop is manufactured Korean pop music, which has become increasingly popular worldwide in the last couple of years. Usually, the stans just use already-trending words to post short gif (video clips) of their heroes. They are generally considered a bit of an Internet nuisance, so it's quite a turnaround for them to use their skills for good.
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