Turkey to the rescue

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Maybe we could set up some sort of 'union' between countries living close to one another who share roughly the same values?

When Thailand and other countries were devastated by a Tsunami should we have left it to their neighbours to help?
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Mottie says charity begins at home.

he doesn't like helping foreigners.
Mottie says charity begins at home.

he doesn't like helping foreigners.
You’re like a ****ing stuck record. Why do you keep saying that. Given the choice, I’ll help British people first and anyone else if I can afford it. Why won't you answer that question I keep asking you, at least we'll know your take on it instead of just nit picking all the time. Go on, have a go at answering it. No deflection.
JohnD likes criticising. Quick to say what he thinks is wrong but never offers his own view. BTW how’s those investments of yours that you wisely moved abroad last month? I suppose they’ve gone up whilst others have bombed eh? :LOL::LOL:
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I have always liked the turks

The UK wanted them to. Join the EU ;)

Some in The EU did not and don't want the turks to join due to

Islamaphobia imo

Turks run a couple if cafes down this way

Which I go. I nto on a reg basis :cool:
EU have treated Turkey disgracefully over the years

The Turks like the UK ;)
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