turning left on red?

I've only had it for 3 weeks, it's quite fast, 0 - 62 = 6.6 secs top speed is 146mph by the book, but heard it can do over 150mph, :eek: :LOL:

Not that i'm a boy racer btw.
crafty1289 said:
So nobody on this forum ever drives above 70? No-one? Not even when the motorway's empty?
Ah - now I never claimed that - just that I accept I have no right to expect people to get out of my way, particularly if it will inconvenience them, if I want to go faster.

I don't agree with deliberately holding people up myself, but whatever speed I want to drive at, provided it is at or above the posted limit I will not put myself out in order to meet the wishes of someone who wants to go faster.

my wife drives our car the BMW 7series

an you REAL DONT want her to drive at speed trust me see Corrie St ..lol :)
maybe only males over 40s , say ?, with Clean Driving Licence....
Ah but ban, my point was that if a car is sticking to the outside lane, with no traffic in the other lanes, and someone wants to go faster, regardless of the speeds of the 2 cars, the slower lane hogger SHOULD move over. Its not up to him to determine the speed of the car behind him, and he should not be putting himself and the other driver in danger by sticking to that lane and forcing a left overtake, which is inevitable from most paperclip salesmen in BMWs.

Incidentally, if theres me in the inside lane, wanting to overtake a car which is sticking to the middle lane, no other cars about, I make a point of swinging behind the car in the middle and out to the outside lane, going past it, and then swinging back into the inside lane in front of it. You can almost picture them going :eek: "he could have overtaken on <<that side, surely" fools.
if I get it right , are you refering to motorway lane lane hoggers ?
Moz said:
if I get it right , are you refering to motorway lane lane hoggers ?

yes. thought it was obvious. where else can one hog a lane for long periods?

"yes. thought it was obvious. where else can one hog a lane for long periods?"

Oh get you ...!!!! HMMMM ..:(

dual carriageway maybe ... ..

Anyway my point was you can flash twice an then undertake , its not in Highway code now ,
but was the norm to pass on the inside ,
the guys who were /are Road coppers here will say this is right ,

1full beam... then a 1 flash , was the norm ... :) , it should be in the OLD rules but omitted now in the new Highways Agency rule book

get out of jail free card , innit ..lol ...sober moz chav side ..lol :) :)
crafty1289 said:
Ah but ban, my point was that if a car is sticking to the outside lane, with no traffic in the other lanes, and someone wants to go faster, regardless of the speeds of the 2 cars, the slower lane hogger SHOULD move over.
I agree as I said, I don't agree with deliberately holding people up, i.e. not moving over when this causes no inconvenience, (except as see below), but do bear in mind that when there is some traffic, a perfectly reasonable set of calculations shows that the driver you want to move over could need a gap of nearly 400 yards in the lane to his left to do it safely.

Its not up to him to determine the speed of the car behind him, and he should not be putting himself and the other driver in danger by sticking to that lane and forcing a left overtake, which is inevitable from most paperclip salesmen in BMWs.
I will do this in roadworks, or when people are ignoring the variable speed limits on the M25 (which are there to improve the traffic flow). I do this just in case there's an unmarked police car, and they can then do the selfish dangerous git for overtaking on the left as well as speeding, and hasten the day he's taken off the roads.

Incidentally, if theres me in the inside lane, wanting to overtake a car which is sticking to the middle lane, no other cars about, I make a point of swinging behind the car in the middle and out to the outside lane, going past it, and then swinging back into the inside lane in front of it. You can almost picture them going :eek: "he could have overtaken on <<that side, surely" fools.
If it's me, then you can picture me thinking "what a self-righteous berk, trying to make a point like that - he should get a life" ;)
Well, I'll start the boasting :?: off, I managed about 150 MPH on a motorway in my Astra 16V GTE ..... Ahem turbo, I'm not going to say which M way it was, or even if it was in this country to prevent incriminating myself. I can tell you though that at that speed, motorways have corners :!:

BTW, I'm very responsible now, it was a long time ago. :D
I'm afraid I don't agree with you on this ban, providing its safe to do so (and I accept it might not always be so), then you should move back to the left when you have finished passing whatever you want to pass, (and I do mean is safe to do so, as opposed to 'the road is so empty that I can slowly drift back without much observation and timeing at all')

If I want to speed up the outside lane, then its my choice to do so, and it is not your responsibly to stop me doing so, anyway, if you don't move back in when it is safe to, what happens if an ambulance or fire truck wants to get past when its not safe for you to move back over (I guess though that the other drivers will go out of your way to let you in... but it might be a bit tight, and be a stressful manuover)
139: Overtake only when it is safe to do so. You should
- Stay in your lane if traffic is moving slowly in queues. If the queue on your right is moving more slowly than you are, you may pass on the left
242: Do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake. In congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left-hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with the traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic in the lane to your right. Do not weave in and out of lanes to overtake.
A fair bit of leeway there then !