Two RAF Tornadoes ditch in the North Sea

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I can see great unrest starting on our own soil which would be a shame
So can I. People are rightfully ****ed off but I suspect few really understand how we got in this mess so all they will do is break windows and demand more 'free' stuff. They'll be locked up or bought off with more false promises by the politicos.

The forces are loyal to the Queen rather than the Government though aren't they? If the orders came, would they shoot their own people?
The forces are loyal to the Queen rather than the Government though aren't they? If the orders came, would they shoot their own people?

They have done so before... (Playing Devils Advocate:cool: )
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I would seriously hope I never saw our own troops on our streets to control
Our own people if it's to fight terrorists it's ok so long as specific targets
Are known but god help us at these olympics with the weapons they've just
Issued to the police high tech wow if they start letting rip with them god help us even the sas are worried about the police
I think you'll find that 4 men are lost whose job in peace is to train for war which mark my words is on it's way as we speak and as to the Falklands my friend I was there with45 commando the people want to stay English so we should support them and by the way there's more than one way to skin a cat per mere per terrum
Is that a Falconese quote ?
I think you'll find that 4 men are lost whose job in peace is to train for war which mark my words is on it's way as we speak and as to the Falklands my friend I was there with45 commando the people want to stay English so we should support them and by the way there's more than one way to skin a cat per mere per terrum
Is that a Falconese quote ?

No its the Marines motto, meaning , " by land by sea"
I think you'll find that 4 men are lost whose job in peace is to train for war which mark my words is on it's way as we speak and as to the Falklands my friend I was there with45 commando the people want to stay English so we should support them and by the way there's more than one way to skin a cat per mere per terrum
Is that a Falconese quote ?

No its the Marines motto, meaning , " by land by sea"

Yeh maybe- but- the pilots should brush up on their Latin . By Land/By sea is ok.
But not - By Land/and IN the sea !!! :LOL:
We here on Fylde coast Lancashire- (where incidentally Tornados were made) get sick and tired of hearing about 'another Tornado in Irish sea' headlines. 50 Mil££ gone . (or there abouts)
The pilots should be more careful - and stay out of 'The Taps' pub In lytham at night.

Even 2 years ago- on another training exersize -- a back seat passenger in (cant remember what plane it was) got bloody ejected while the plane was upside down over the sea--over here .
What's all that about ?.

It was kept very very quiet in the press for ages. Still no much said about it.
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