anhydrite screeds expand at a rate of 0.012mm per meter, per degree. In essence this means if your house is 10 metres wide, and your screed is laid and dries at 15 degrees C, when you run it at 27 degrees C, the floor will expand by 0.7mm on each side of the room.
One of three possible things could happen when the floor expands
* The walls and PIR are so strong, the screed will bow up in the middle by 73.5mm
* The screed and the PIR are so strong, the walls will be shoved outwards along the foundations by 0.7mm
* The PIR, which won't be hard up against the wall or the screed, will compress by 0.7mm
If you're in any doubt as to which of these will occur, just press on the surface of a PIR board with your fingers next time you have one to hand