Uk film industry

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
It would appear that there is a French ;) proposal to strip the Uk film and programme making
Industry in the UK if it’s European status

meaning that British made films and programmes cannot be viewed in the EU

French scoundrels

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It would appear that there is a French ;) proposal to strip the Uk film and programme making
Industry in the UK if it’s European status
Yeah, but isn't it great now that we have taken back control.

UK morons.
Transam twisting the issue as usual to exhibit his racism.
It's an EU proposal, not a French proposal.
But don't let facts inform your opinion. You never have before.
But a leaked EU document, seen by The Guardian, says: “The high availability of UK content in video-on-demand services, as well as the privileges granted by the qualification as European works, can result in a disproportionate presence of UK content within the European video-on-demand quota and hinder a larger variety of European works.”
Dunno why the French have got the hump over the caper tbh

the UK made some serious and well respected programmes about France

allo allo for example :)
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