Uk Tax residency Test

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Right, back again. Some of us have a job you know!!!
A caller to Nick Ferrari (LBC) at approximately 7.30 (ish) this morning who used to run a company in Singapore. He was in highly paid position said that was the rule when he was there.
I haven’t made it up or deliberately lied, Check the show podcast if you doubt me. It makes sense of what Dyson wanted was tax relief for any of his employees affected especially as it was to aid the country at a time of crisis.
It’s a non story basically, Labour seem to be clueless & clutching at any straws they can grasp.
Found it. 24minutes 20seconds into the show today. LBC Nick Ferrari catch up.
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Same to you himmagin if you are out there stalking ???

mind you listening to french radio is listening to propaganda ;)
it was on the radio

try listening to one as opposed to trawling the propaganda sites :LOL:

jeez us wept

HMRC is the propaganda site?

Looks like we have more than one resident tax expert, both plumbers.. :ROFLMAO:
I’ve given the info of exactly to the second of where to listen to it.
You can lead a horse to water...........
Right, back again. Some of us have a job you know!!!
A caller to Nick Ferrari (LBC) at approximately 7.30 (ish) this morning who used to run a company in Singapore. He was in highly paid position said that was the rule when he was there.
I haven’t made it up or deliberately lied, Check the show podcast if you doubt me. It makes sense of what Dyson wanted was tax relief for any of his employees affected especially as it was to aid the country at a time of crisis.
It’s a non story basically, Labour seem to be clueless & clutching at any straws they can grasp.

I like Nick Ferrari, one of the best on LBC
Right, back again. Some of us have a job you know!!!
A caller to Nick Ferrari (LBC) at approximately 7.30 (ish) this morning who used to run a company in Singapore. He was in highly paid position said that was the rule when he was there.
I haven’t made it up or deliberately lied, Check the show podcast if you doubt me. It makes sense of what Dyson wanted was tax relief for any of his employees affected especially as it was to aid the country at a time of crisis.
It’s a non story basically, Labour seem to be clueless & clutching at any straws they can grasp.

Ian from Staines did say that but it has to be corroborated with HMRC guidance and I cannot find it anywhere. It should be straight forward as even websites from accountants reference HRMC.
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