Ultimately pointless activities

14 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
What do you do in all good faith that, when you stop and think about it, might just be pointless?
Something you do "because it's always been that way", "you're supposed to", etc.


Is there any point putting bleach in the bog?
After all, you flush away the wizz, so nothing to bleach.
And after the solids, you flush, brush, then flush.

Bogs are made of basically impenetrable porcelain, so not a lot to stick anything to anyway.

And brushing is necessary to remove any bacterial films that may try to establish themselves: no amount of bleach will shift a bacterial mat.

Please don't derail this thread with:

- trying to get an answer out of..................
- getting a Gammon / Remoaner to .................

etc etc :D
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washing the car. It seems to make no difference to if it will rust or not and it just gets dirty again. My neighbour religiously washes his "fleet", seems to spend half his life doing it.
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washing the car. It seems to make no difference to if it will rust or not and it just gets dirty again. My neighbour religiously washes his "fleet", seems to spend half his life doing it.
I wash my car once a year maybe twice at most. Usually it gets a good clean a week or so before going in for its service and mot.
I don't think I've ever washed a car in my whole life, I'm the type that sells 'em on when the ashtrays full & writes funny messages in the grime. But I can sit & lovingly polish any of my bikes for hours, I can even just sit there & stare at them as they make that 'tink tink' noise after a long hard ride.

A good friend of mine always seems to want to challenge me to game of chess. I don't see the point, it is NOT a wargame (as he claims) as there are no guns, artillery or aeroplanes involved. Lost pieces usually get chucked over my right shoulder.
Not I, but putting the paper back on butter/spread, which is in a plastic tub anyway.....
Yep, annoys me. Leave the film off so everyone knows it had been opened. Otherwise you end up with 4 tubs of open butter, several yoghurts half empty and fresh cream going off 4 cartons at a time
Leave the film off so everyone knows it had been opened. Otherwise you end up with 4 tubs of open butter,
I always place unopened tubs of butter/spread upside down in the fridge until they are needed so that we know which ones are unused.
I kept trying to get off a glacier today, only for the fellas I was with, to insist on getting a chair lift back up. What the fudge is skiing all about!
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