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I find capital punishment completely unacceptabe, but a strong part of me agrees with you. but then as you yourself said, every animal has a right to live.
He's getting through some identity's.

Wonder how long this one will last.
I find capital punishment completely unacceptabe, but a strong part of me agrees with you. but then as you yourself said, every animal has a right to live.

I certainly did Ed but there are animals and there are beasts. Some are dangerous and should at least be behind bars for the rest of their life when captured. Some consider this barbaric so the best result all round is to end their life if only for the safety of others.
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A sad day for so called British Justice and the victims of crime.
This b a s t a r d should have been hung along with his mate and a few others!


Same old,same old......... the shoit like this get looked after and protected throughout their life and the victims are just left to get on with it,,, third world principals would be good in this case ... he would be history now
I find capital punishment completely unacceptabe, but a strong part of me agrees with you. but then as you yourself said, every animal has a right to live.

I certainly did Ed but there are animals and there are beasts. Some are dangerous and should at least be behind bars for the rest of their life when captured. Some consider this barbaric so the best result all round is to end their life if only for the safety of others.

I would find that difficult to argue with.
A sad day for so called British Justice and the victims of crime.
This b a s t a r d should have been hung along with his mate and a few others!


The penny just hasn't dropped with the do-gooder apologists, has it? And they still wonder why crime is still so prevalent in this country.

Yes, bring back capital punishment. If anyone killed my wife, I'd like to see them dangle on the end of a rope - with the knot behind the neck.
The do-gooders argue that capital punishment won't stop murders etc, but it will stop the ones that get strung up, and if that deters even only one from killing it'll be worth it. Its the too soft approach thats got this (and others) country the way it is. Eye for an eye.
You geezers are letting emotion get in the way of common sense. Don't get me wrong, if I saw someone attacking my kids, I would kill the scumbag !! without doubt.

But what you have here is your typical courtroom conundrum... plus our rather sensible legal system - which, as it happens, is there to protect innocnents on boths sides of a row.

There's nothing more complex than a crime scene, and once battle weary barristers get involved, they could make a sausage look like a pig suicide !!

The point being, we don't hang people these days in case evidence was wrong, or tampered with, or one barister was better than the other, or the police cocked up etc etc.... so basically it's too dangerous to hang a crim, in case they weren't for some reason?
You geezers are letting emotion get in the way of common sense. Don't get me wrong, if I saw someone attacking my kids, I would kill the scumbag !! without doubt.

But what you have here is your typical courtroom conundrum... plus our rather sensible legal system - which, as it happens, is there to protect innocnents on boths sides of a row.

There's nothing more complex than a crime scene, and once battle weary barristers get involved, they could make a sausage look like a pig suicide !!

The point being, we don't hang people these days in case evidence was wrong, or tampered with, or one barister was better than the other, or the police cocked up etc etc.... so basically it's too dangerous to hang a crim, in case they weren't for some reason?

Bullocks! In this day and age we now have such ways of proving 'beyond reasonable doubt' coupled with these b a r s t a r d s admission that there should be no obstacle to removing them from this earth. I know 2 wrongs don't make a right but if Capital Punishment was brought back and it saved one life it will have served its purpose. We were discussing this at home the other night and I was asked would I feel the same if it was my son in the dock. Without hesitation I said that if the evidence proved beyond doubt that he was responsible then yes I would accept he must pay the price. I wouldn't like it but I would stand by my beliefs.
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You geezers are letting emotion get in the way of common sense. Don't get me wrong, if I saw someone attacking my kids, I would kill the scumbag !! without doubt.

But what you have here is your typical courtroom conundrum... plus our rather sensible legal system - which, as it happens, is there to protect innocnents on boths sides of a row.

There's nothing more complex than a crime scene, and once battle weary barristers get involved, they could make a sausage look like a pig suicide !!

The point being, we don't hang people these days in case evidence was wrong, or tampered with, or one barister was better than the other, or the police cocked up etc etc.... so basically it's too dangerous to hang a crim, in case they weren't for some reason?

b*****s! In this day and age we now have such ways of proving 'beyond reasonable doubt' coupled with these b a r s t a r d s admission that there should be no obstacle to removing them from this earth. I know 2 wrongs don't make a right but if Capital Punishment was brought back and it saved one life it will have served its purpose. We were discussing this at home the other night and I was asked would I feel the same if it was my son in the dock. Without hesitation I said that if the evidence proved beyond doubt that he was responsible then yes I would accept he must pay the price. I wouldn't like it but I would stand by my beliefs.

No need to be rude Conny (I thought we were mates?!)...

And unfortunately you're wrong... we can never be 100% sure... that's not possible. So from there, you're drawing a line in the sand.

Even an admission of guilt might not be what it seems... and then if you're guaranteed the death penalty if you confess then that would stop most of the confessions...

What is right in your response my friend is the sense of anger that our legal system is now a token gesture... and nothing more than a financial burden on society. And yet serves to retrain crims in criminality, and acts as a recruitment centre for radical Islam !! not good on any front !!
The point being, we don't hang people these days in case evidence was wrong, or tampered with, or one barister was better than the other, or the police cocked up etc etc.... so basically it's too dangerous to hang a crim, in case they weren't for some reason?

Yeah, like the two locked up for killing that Rachael girl.

But it's peculiar. The people I see on here shouting for "an eye for an eye" justice like some kind of kangaroo court in a Muslim country are the same people who are vehemently against Muslims wanting to set up their justice system here.
The point being, we don't hang people these days in case evidence was wrong, or tampered with, or one barister was better than the other, or the police cocked up etc etc.... so basically it's too dangerous to hang a crim, in case they weren't for some reason?

Yeah, like the two locked up for killing that Rachael girl.

But it's peculiar. The people I see on here shouting for "an eye for an eye" justice like some kind of kangaroo court in a Muslim country are the same people who are vehemently against Muslims wanting to set up their justice system here.

People act differently when on a forum late at night to when it's a vote, or a case involving their family. The reality is.... the only time it's right to kill a crim is if you catch them committing the crime against you !
After that, they're processed by the legal system !
What is right in your response my friend is the sense of anger that our legal system is now a token gesture... and nothing more than a financial burden on society. And yet serves to retrain crims in criminality, and acts as a recruitment centre for radical Islam !! not good on any front !!

That is certainly true. Prisons are a joke, and it's the career criminals who are doing all the laughing. Even if the Parole Board do-gooders don't feel sorry for them and let them out early, sentences are often derisory.

Regardless of the length of sentences, though, is the fact that prisons these days are far too soft. Pool tables, televisions, three hot meals a day, free medical and dental treatment with much shorter waiting times than the rest of us have to tolerate, are just a few examples. Of course prisons are not a deterrent; they are a reward!

I've said it before (and if any of you are a bit bored by this I apologise): hard labour combined with longer sentences is the answer. That, I am sure, would deter the majority of crime.

Unfortunately, the EU will never allow it! :rolleyes:
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