Hmmm - what do you want - the concept, the answers or the maths (or maybe all 3!)?
For many types of components (and organisms), for much of their lifetime the risk of failure follows a roughly exponential distribution – i.e. if you plot the probability of failure against time (the probability that failure will have occurred by that time), the curve starts off very ‘flat’ and becomes progressively steeper and steeper as time goes on. If you think about the lifespan of humans, that should make sense - the longer it is since you were born, the more likley it is that you will not have survived to that point in time, and that risk accelerates as time since birth gets high. The ‘mean time between failures’ (MTBF) is more-or-less what it says – the average (‘expected’) time taken for failure to occur. Because of the shape of the curve (with very flat early portions – i.e. very low probability of early failure), that MTBF will be greater than you might expect. If, for example failure was almost certain by, say, 100 hours, the MTBF might be 70 hours or more. Again, thinking of human life, very few get beyond 100, but the average life expectancy ('MTBF') is something approaching 80 years.
If one assumes that exponential distribution, one can do calculations like Porque did. As he said, with an MTBF of 50 hours, there’s about a 37% chance of
not failing by 50 hours, and about a 90% chance of
not failing by 5 hours. If he wanted that 99.999% probability of
not failing during a mission, he would only be able to have a mission of about 0.0005 hours (about 1.8 seconds)
Working the other way, which is what I think he was talking about, if one wanted a 99.999% probability of the component not failing during a 50 hour mission (do they fly missions that long – would need lots of refuelling
), then one would have to have a MTBF of around 5,000,000 hours. For a 99.999% probability of the component
not failing during a 10-hour mission, the MTBF would have to be about 1,000,000 hours.
If you want to know the actual maths (which isn’t all that complicated), just let me know.
Having said all that, it is totally flawed if one takes components straight from the manufacturer (after all the usual testing) and fits them to the aircraft. Most manufactured components (and most organisms, including humans) exhibit a very early phase of relatively very high failure rates (‘teething problems’, perinatal deaths etc.), before the curve settles down to its main exponential part. If one wants Porque’s very demanding level of certainty, one therefore has to run the component ‘on the bench’ for long enough to get beyond that ‘early failure phase’ (and hence weed out any of those ‘early failures’) before fitting it to the aircraft.
The other ‘flaw’ is that inherent in any probabilistic situation. The fact that there is, say, a 99.999% probability of a component not failing during the first 10 hours of service obviously does
not mean that it cannot fail two minutes after the aircraft takes off. That’s the nature of probability. People win lotteries!
Hope that helps.
Kind Regards, John