
Kendor, I'm pretty sure I'm not panicking because I can't see a reason to panick.
Toffee, will look up anxiety, but it's more a kind of gut-feeling that something, somewhere is up or wrong. Feels like nervous butterflies, if that explains it better.

Think I just have to wait and see if any disastrous will strike ;)
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WoodYouLike said:
Kendor, I'm pretty sure I'm not panicking because I can't see a reason to panick.
Toffee, will look up anxiety, but it's more a kind of gut-feeling that something, somewhere is up or wrong. Feels like nervous butterflies, if that explains it better.

Think I just have to wait and see if any disastrous will strike ;)
it can come on for no reason, agreed the title is not very good as it suggests panicking but feeling uneasy is a symptom aswell as all out sweating my wife suffered some time back with them.
Did some searching on anxiety, but that's not really it. Although one sentence I read can explain the 'non-existing' cause:
Adjustment reaction - This is similar to acute stress reaction, but symptoms develop over days or weeks after a stressful situation, for example as a reaction to a divorce. Symptoms tend to improve over a few weeks or so.
I think I just blame it one the moon ;)
Good luck WYL, hope these feelings subside.

One thing though, anxiety/stress are often viewed as taboo subjects and often people do not want to 'labelled' or thought of as anxious.
If you continue to feel like this, do not rule out anxiety.

There does not have to an obvious identifiable event.
Working long hours can be a trigger.
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toffee said:
There does not have to an obvious identifiable event.
Working long hours can be a trigger.
:LOL: :LOL: That'll be it then. Been working 7 days a week for years now. Things are definitely looking up business wise, so it could be just the relaxation after working so hard for so long and now doing well. (or feeling 'worried' that things are going fine now -> must be a pit-fall somewhere around the corner ;))
Brightness said:
gcol said:
There's nothing wrong with that at all...... except for it being a bit fluffy.
Moaning is womans work and therefore fluffy.

Ah right, thanks for clarifying.... So what is it that you blokes do then? Apart from moaning about everythig on different 'manly' threads :rolleyes: :LOL: ;)

We cut down trees, wrestle alligators and put oversized screws in walls.
Brightness said:
Or make oversized holes in walls and then cuss like hell because the rawlplug and screw doesn't fit ;) :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
always make sure the hole is tighter than the plug you are inserting.
And what about the screw???? The amount of times I've been dispatched to get a bigger screw because a certain someone has drilled the wrong size hole :rolleyes:
Brightness said:
And what about the screw???? The amount of times I've been dispatched to get a bigger screw because a certain someone has drilled the wrong size hole :rolleyes:
it's normally the lady that comments on the screw bit ;)
Ever feel like that all the time!!!

I tell my wife it's a man's permanent monthly syndrome except it never stops!!! Afterall, any lady doesn't have to shave every blooming day!!!!

Well perhaps a bearded one! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Hope not - but I seem to remember reading somewhere that it is scientifically possible for a man! If so then I could be onto a money spinner!!! :cool:
Brightness said:
I just have no one to moan to :p

Why do you have to do it here
Don't you have any friends or a husband to moan to :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
This is a general discussion section not a general moaning section :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Richardp said:
could it be to do with the moon? a lady thing? or a premonition? I once had a bad feeling and saw a train crash in my imagination, then on the news that night a train crash was reported, its happened a couple of times in my life involving different scenarios.

I know someone who gets effected by a full moon, his personality just changes in a instance, he gets really bad tempered, :LOL:
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