union jack tie needed (west of scotland)

26 Dec 2007
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United Kingdom
my niece needs a loan of a union jack tie for a college photo shoot on tuesday, a bit random i know but anyone about the west got one?
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Print one off on a piece of paper and wrap it around a normal tie?
Union Jack tie? A Union Jack is a British flag flown aboard a ship, in any other context, it's a Union FLAG.

Unless the intended target for the tie, was to be tied to a ships mast? :eek:
Union Jack tie? A Union Jack is a British flag flown aboard a ship, in any other context, it's a Union FLAG.

Unless the intended target for the tie, was to be tied to a ships mast? :eek:

That may be true if you still live in the late 1800's

The flag is officially known as the 'Union Jack' and has been since the early 1900's whether it is flown at sea or on land
That may be true if you still live in the late 1800's

The flag is officially known as the 'Union Jack' and has been since the early 1900's whether it is flown at sea or on land

Have you got a (reputable) source for that one? The whole jack/flag debate is always one of those nuggets of "did you know" information that gets peddled out.

I would love to know the definitive answer from a reputable source!
Union Jack tie? A Union Jack is a British flag flown aboard a ship, in any other context, it's a Union FLAG.

Unless the intended target for the tie, was to be tied to a ships mast? :eek:

That may be true if you still live in the late 1800's

The flag is officially known as the 'Union Jack' and has been since the early 1900's whether it is flown at sea or on land

I don't live in the 1800's, but then you misquote yourself, and say 1900's. Name your sources. Or do you just MAKE STUFF UP!

Just get some plain white ties and a red marker pen, and make your own beautiful ties to be worn with pride

As for the flag/jack debate, how the hell can you have a union jack or union flag tie? It is a tie not a jack or a flag
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