Upvc door handle broken, cant find replacement

From reading up only handle that is 95pz is one that fits a Millenco locking mechanism

I tried two 92pz handles,when putting one side on it pulls the spindle up.on the other side then the spindle and lock won't fit ,ot then looks out by a few mm

Ok so if you have a 92pz in your possession and you say it doesn't quite fit and its pulling the barrel out of line then take your original handle off which you think MAY be a 95pz and place them side by side and you should in theory see the 3mm difference, like Ronnie though I've never come across a 95pz in 25 years, probably never in the right place right time i guess?
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Ok so if you have a 92pz in your possession and you say it doesn't quite fit and its pulling the barrel out of line then take your original handle off which you think MAY be a 95pz and place them side by side and you should in theory see the 3mm difference, like Ronnie though I've never come across a 95pz in 25 years, probably never in the right place right time i guess?
I did that with lining handle up, lock barrel looks few mm different .done fair few handles but never had this problem till.now

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