US: Slashing Safety?

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Have a read about 'self-certification'. The action of, for example, an engineering machinist Inspecting and certifying his own 'first off' and subsequent parts in aerospace manufacturing. ( Bodes well for Part P of Building Regs then ! )

Have seen it in action ... Ok until conflict of interest .. putting to stores versus quality ... Never mind about that ! Statistical process control analysis will sort it all out -- maybe !
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Things must have changed, I left the wonderful world of precision engineering 15 years ago, time served with 30 years.

I never knew any self certification and really can't see how it would work, most will put the odd iffy component it to see what will happen.

I worked on guided weapons, everything had a first off which was stamped, patrol inspection and a final 100% inspection, even a batch of humble washers.

Must be difficult to find anything to check these days, cause we don't make anything.
Times have really changed mate, Co-ordinate measuring machines can give a 'first principles' stnd room type check and report on every piece today, can feedback correction values to machining centre etc.
Different ball game now.
Self certification was a biggy in aerospace and is running where appropriate (hopefully).
Grinding today !
Viper :-

Like you say, a different world. I do miss it though, I used to enjoy milling & turning. Left for financial reasons, went from about £9 an hour to double that fitting poxy kitchens, which I hate.

I applied for a turning job about 3 years ago, offered a starting rate of, wait for it £7 an hour and people wonder why REAL skills are disappearing in this country.
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H&J said:
Like you say, a different world. I do miss it though, I used to enjoy milling & turning. Left for financial reasons, went from about £9 an hour to double that fitting poxy kitchens, which I hate..
What about fitting decent kitchens then? ;)
I applied for a turning job about 3 years ago, offered a starting rate of, wait for it £7 an hour and people wonder why REAL skills are disappearing in this country.
oh! i dream of earning £7 an hour! :LOL:
A financial tip t ostand one in good stead ... It is not, within reason, what you earn, tis what you spend that counts on the road to financial security ....