US Tax Cuts Plan - Kleptocracy

Well, I wouldn't agree with violent removal but removal by due process is long overdue.

We could start with confiscation of the sea-bed.
That wouldn't be too extreme and save us all a bit of money.
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Could trim it down a lot. I'd be ok with something like a Scandinavian "monarchy"
I think this paragraph answers that quite nicely:

''Communism as a political-economic doctrine centralizes massive power in the hands of very few, who we are always assured have the very best intentions. It is inherently totalitarian, which is why communist states so often end up as totalitarian dictatorships. How stupid does person have to be to continue to believe that they just didn't implement Marx's ideas correctly when communists turn whatever country they've seized control of into another hellhole?''

Sorry EFL but I've lost a little respect for you over this.
You have to admit a lot of these countries were already hell holes before the Communists took over,i.e. Russia and China, Communism and Fascism appear to only take root in countries were there is already poverty and injustice caused by Capitalism.
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You have to admit a lot of these countries were already hell holes before the Communists took over,i.e. Russia and China, Communism and Fascism appear to only take root in countries were there is already poverty and injustice caused by Capitalism.

Interestingly these sentiments collaborate that perspective:

''Communism is like religion for others, and usually the poorer the population that endorses it the more extreme it gets. I say this because I live in a poor country I am poor myself and in recent months there is this wave of communist rallies in our streets, mostly the rural poor groups who in their view are oppressed by the system and uses that as a justification for the government to give them free housing and utilities.

Its like they have this culture of force sharing I think some cultures are more prone to communism than others.''
Another thing which hasn't been mentioned is that Trump is reducing American Corporation tax to 20% just 1% above the UK rate although the UK government is going to further reduce its CT rate down to 17% it could a start of a race to the bottom in which the only beneficiaries will be the big Corporations.
what would u replace the Monarchy with ? and elected president ?

the monacchy have brought substantial amounts of money into the UK , dunno the exact figure but billions of pounds worth of trade contracts.
is Hawkeye so stupid that he thinks a Labour government in the UK leads to millions dying in famine?

Well, it does look like he pretends to be. I wonder if he can show us examples of the "piles of dead bodies" he fantasises from British Labour Governments of the 20th and 21st Century?

Go on, Hawkeye, give it your best shot, you nutter.

Start here
Another thing which hasn't been mentioned is that Trump is reducing American Corporation tax to 20% just 1% above the UK rate although the UK government is going to further reduce its CT rate down to 17% it could a start of a race to the bottom in which the only beneficiaries will be the big Corporations.

I think the pareto distribution goes some way to explaining why capitalism ''ends up as it does'' for want of a better term.
Examples of nutter hawkeye's ridiculous fake propaganda.

I expect he subscribes to specialist far-right websites.


piles of dead bodies

It shows you to be a bit of an ideologue. I knew you were so I'm not shocked at all.

Why don't you go outside and shout at the pigeons for a bit?

Or have another chat with your frying pan.
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