Vapour trails

I take all the science about co2, greenhouse gases and global warming with a large pinch of salt. After all, we've only had scientists for a very short time relative to the age of the planet, and even in that short time their scientific pronouncements have contradicted each other and have changed often.

However, there is no doubt that man is destroying the environment. By "the environment" I mean the area that we live and move around in rather than an abstract concept several miles above our heads. Spoiling my environment daily are cars, litter, noise and overcrowding; all man-made things. The scientific deduction to be drawn from this is that there are too many people. Through sensible government Britain used to have a stable population that could live within its means whilst other countries bred out of proportion to their resources. Blair changed all that, and now we have 10 million extra people that were born in those profligate countries over here breeding and consuming our island's bounties. That's 1 in 6 of the population.

Look out of your window and imagine the scene with 1/6th fewer people and their cars and mess. Imagine not having to have built all those crappy little box houses and imagine the fields that would still be there. Imagine the gas, coal, electricity and petrol we wouldn’t have wasted. Imagine being able to see the doctor again, or go to the pub, or to church or to have the lights and heating on in your house without worrying about the cost. Imagine being able to watch all the TV programmes you used to enjoy without being called a racist.
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We have NEVER enjoyed a stable climate.

To me, the suggestion that man made C02 is the cause of 'global warming' is utterly preposterous & goes against almost everything I know about nature & MANY respected scientists think this way also.
Kinnell Denso it was only five minutes ago on another thread you were saying science evolves.
Get the 'right' scientists in with a different set of equipment and we might find we've all been had by all this climate change malarky.
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This ring you've got through your nose Denso?do you put anything on it when it rubs to much?
This ring you've got through your nose Denso?do you put anything on it when it rubs to much?
Rather than throw around insults you could post the alternative view. I won't hold my breath.
Funny how it's always the most simple-minded and least knowledgeable people who can't look things up, who think they know best.
What you saying I'm a thick t*at?

Come, now. Get it right, an ignorant lazy thick tw@t. ;)
No, querying things is good. I don't think you're one of those who starts off saying it's all rubbish then jerking out some bit of something stoopid, like gasser.

I can't see, given all that we DO have, how some new bit of kit is likely to say "we've been had". Science evolves, it doesn't often change direction.

It's fine to squirrel away into anomalies - like the ice cores. If you look at ice core samples, you find that
it appears
that there were warm periods, and there were periods of high CO2 in the atmosphere.
So you'd expect the warm periods to come after the CO2, right?
BUt it's the other way round. Last I looked they hadn't sussed out what was going on, yet. There was an article suggesting the bubbles sort of migrated through the ice cores over time, to explain it away, but I don't know if that was generally accepted.

Then there's the methane ozone thing.
Methane bad. Horrible greenhouse gas.
Ozone - it depends.
Ozone bad because it's a greenhouse gas
Ozone good because it absorbs UV which is bad (on the whole)
Ozone bad because it irritates lung etc.
Ozone bad because it damages plant and crops
Ozone good because it breaks down pollutants in general
Ozone good because it specifically has a go at methane (proposed for higher covid CO2 levels)
Ozone bad because it reacts with Nox etc pollutants and creates smog and more ozone
Oh and if there's enough, ozone contributes to acid rain.
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