He isn't..... what he said was that the maximum floor to ceiling height is 2.7 m. His contention is down to the gable wall being restrained to the trusses. He believes that the maximum height between the first floor joists and the rafters is 2.7m because this is where the gable wall will be laterally restrained. He thinks you can't go above 2.7 meters because you can't provide the required lateral restraint. However, from my understanding of the above diagrams, there is no such limit. He believes that a measurment from 1st floor joists to rafter height of more than 2.7 m will mean the gable wall cannot be adequately restrained and will need other means of restraint..... in his view this would be by way of one (or more) windposts. But the second diagram seems to contradict the 1st.