Venables the scum not to get tried!

Ok, being serious again now, why does it cost a fortune to keep someone in solitary? They should be stuck in a windowless cell without any 'commodities, i.e. no tv, radio, ipod, books etc nothing! Meals are shoved through a hatch in the lower part of the door and they are monitored 24/7 via a video link mounted in a high, inaccessible position with the light left on 24/7 by a rota of people in a remote control room.
After initially building this block of cells running costs would be minimal as you wouldn't need an army or warders to escort them anywhere, they wouldn't be allowed out of these cells. If they wanted to excercise then jog on the spot in their 'home'. Medical attention? They wouldn't need any as they are locked in a room with no hard surfaces/edges.
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Would you provide clothes other than underwear?(am thinking about how some suicides are done by using clothes to create a noose) Not sure it's necessary for lights on 24/7 due to nightvision cameras. We're not after torturing them after all.

And as for exercise, and fresh air etc, a moving compartment system could be quite easily manufactured (bit like those revolving doors) which moves along a track at a walking pace to prevent mateyboy trying anything stupid. Would give an opportunity for the cell to be emptied and searched - no bird man of alcatraz here!
i don't want to adopt a lynch-mob mentality here. for historical reasons this country no longer inflicts capital punishment. too late for British soldiers who were put in front of a firing squad in WW1 for 'cowardice'. it is now recognised that losing your mind during the horrors of a brutal and savage war does not make you a coward or mean that you are of 'Low Moral Fibre'. it does mean that your mind is so disturbed that it does not function 'normally'.
it is an unfortunate fact that society, i.e. all of us, now has to decide just what can be done with people whose minds are badly disturbed, for whatever reason and to any degree. the plain fact is that we just don't have a cure-all solution.

the question has no satisfactory answer and the debate will go on forever.
Its no use venting one's anger on an internet forum about how we would like to punish the perpetrators of this horrid crime.
The truth is we all played a part in the death of Jamie Bulger.
Modern society since the sixties has decended into an immoral abyss.
This little boys death was just collateral damage along the path of left wing marxist,frued and heidegger values that the modern day permissive liberals (brainwashed by the souless Nietzschean atheism of the 60/70's) would deem a small price to pay!
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Its no use venting one's anger on an internet forum about how we would like to punish the perpetrators of this horrid crime.
The truth is we all played a part in the death of Jamie Bulger.
Modern society since the sixties has decended into an immoral abyss.
This little boys death was just collateral damage along the path of left wing marxist,frued and heidegger values that the modern day permissive liberals (brainwashed by the souless Nietzschean atheism of the 60/70's) would deem a small price to pay!

an abyss is inanimate. it cannot be immoral
The "bottomless pit" meaning was what I had in mind.

An immoral bottomless pit.
Is that allowed? :rolleyes:
Its no use venting one's anger on an internet forum about how we would like to punish the perpetrators of this horrid crime.
The truth is we all played a part in the death of Jamie Bulger.
Modern society since the sixties has decended into an immoral abyss.
This little boys death was just collateral damage along the path of left wing marxist,frued and heidegger values that the modern day permissive liberals (brainwashed by the souless Nietzschean atheism of the 60/70's) would deem a small price to pay!

:eek: :eek: :eek: You need to write a strong letter to your GP, demanding immediate adjustment to your 'head' medication.

Thats just the 'pass the buck' mentality that lead to James Bulgers torturers being released in the first place.
You might understand that these f*ckers should have been put to death at the time

demanding immediate adjustment to your 'head' medication

What medication are you currently on? Crack..... cocaine?
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