Tell the cat to pay the bill! They are doing all this advertising work on TV recently, the dogs have become CG characters, because they demanded too much in fees, is it Andrex bog roll they waste?
Even bloody meercats are showing up now. How much do they earn, telling people to leave their website alone? (Which actually works!).
I blame Ed the talking horse for all this nonsense, all these animals that are talking, and advertising behind our backs, they must think us humans are right mugs.
I had a cat when younger, 8-9 ish, that had some terminal issue, took to the vet to be put down, then it died in the waiting room. Had a budgie, that seemed to have a stroke, half its body couldn't move, that happened on the same day as my brothers funeral. Everyone upset, now the budgie..It was chirping a weird cheep cheep, which I repeated to it, that seemed to comfort it, and calm its distress..It was taken to the vet, and also died in the waiting room. My parents had a Westhighland terrior (the white scotty dog), that was on heart pills, ate better than me, drank milk rather than water, and was severely aggressive if you took a pigs ear from him. I was due to look after him when my parents went on holiday, but their holiday was delayed by a day, when it died. I'd be mortified if I had to ring my parents up to tell them, they would have disowned me, thinking I killed little Scotty.
But there was a vile episode reported recently, where dumped animals were discovered, with microchips inserted, where the 'vet' had promised a cremation, and delivered ashes to owners. Owning a pet is so personal, and many people regard pets above humans. If a dog wanders into the road, people avoid it, if a person does the same they aim at them...Bizarre!
Or the above deaths, are what I was 'told', I never understood why my fairground won fish disappeared?
My pond fish had a bad winter. My tropical fish, donated to my brother, died after his carer stored them in a net, until the tank was refilled...and nobody noticed. Until too late.