Vile Trump

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And now this disgusting outburst...


"US President Donald Trump has warned that his policies will be "violently" overturned if the Democrats win November's mid-term elections.

He told Evangelical leaders that the vote was a "referendum" on freedom of speech and religion, and that these were threatened by "violent people".

He appealed to conservative Christian groups for help, saying they were one vote away from "losing everything".
Wouldn't or couldn't?

He was offered early release as Vietnam wanted a PR coup and leverage. Let's not forget his father was the Commander of US Forces in the Pacific.

McCain stuck to the POW code of conduct.

To quote

"I knew that every prisoner the Vietnamese tried to break, those who had arrived before me and those who would come after me, would be taunted with the story of how an admiral's son had gone home early, a lucky beneficiary of America's class-conscious society," McCain later recalled.

Trying to defend Trump by denigrating McCain service is pretty low.
Sammi (the troll) has no clue as to how vile Trump really is.
Poor fecker.

I'm very tired of your childish manner. All you do is post ballcocks then call everyone else a troll, or niggle or dig away looking for a snap reaction. A photo of you would place nicely next to the definition of a troll because you fit it perfectly. Your lack of self awareness is astounding.
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