ViSonic PowerMaster 30 - Not sending SMS when alarm goes off

Worth a try.
Just try text alert from default setup before you move on. If no joy at this point may need to ask Visonic tech support.
Visonic don't touch end users normally, they usually verify callers also.

all but alarms is an option according to the manual so what does it actually say when you access that part of the menu structure?
01:REPORT EVENTS Define which events (i.e. Alarms (alrm); Open/close (o/c); Alerts (alrt); All events (all);
Maintenance and Troubles) will be reported to the Monitoring Stations.

The minus (-) symbol means less/except e.g. all(-alrt) means all events except alerts.
The asterisk () is a separator between events reported to Monitoring Station 1 (C.S.1) and
events reported to Monitoring Station 2 (C.S.2). For detailed and more complete explanation
see the Event Reporting Chart at the end of this section.

all-o/c backup (default) all-o/co/c disable report
all all all(-alrt)alrt all backup
all-o/call-o/c alrmall(-alrm)
Note: Alarm events (alrm) have highest priority and Alert events (alrt) have lowest priority
It's set to alarms but I've used every setting to see what happens. Thanks loads for your help with this but I'm going to do a factory reset and start again, Cheers - Will
there are very few panels if programmed correctly don't work, hence why i keep asking for exactly whats on the diaply but a default and start again should clear any mistakes
1. Factory reset.
2. Put in Sim and don't enable anything in CS.
3. Set private report to ring you.
4. Once sim is in try phoning the number see what happens. Is there an antenna on it? pretty much every time I have a problems with panels with GSM it is the sim and signal..
5. once this is solved set up so it will text or call you as you want...

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