
Apparently someone accidentally stumbled on a nest in france, they immediately swarmed and attacked a group of seven people, putting them all in hospital.

Basically, you need a guy with a flamethrower in a stingproof suit to wipe em out.
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Apparently someone accidentally stumbled on a nest in france, they immediately swarmed and attacked a group of seven people, putting them all in hospital.

Basically, you need a guy with a flamethrower in a stingproof suit to wipe em out.

some bees nest in the ground. bees and wasps will both attack. the hornets i saw in france last year were all solitary, but they have an odd habit of flying round the house as if they're casing it for a break-in. looking at every detail.
they also prowl at night, which is handy. big light outside, fly spray then leg it, quick
Have you seen the Asian Hornets that working there way here, they have got to France. Two inches long and a three inch wingspan, they kill bees nests by waiting outside, catching bees and cutting there heads off, one hornet can kill 40 bees

Bloody asians...........they come over here ......Sting all our women......kill all our bees............ :LOL: ;)
I had a run-in with the barstewards back in October. Was working in the grounds of an old folks home and had to jump over a fence into a neighbouring garden to retrieve some tree waste.
Jumped over, feet first into a woodpile/wasps nest. :eek:

Noticed one "oh, look a wasp" noticed another "that's wierd, two wasps" then suddenly the air was filled. Was back over the fence in about 0.5 seconds, sprinted across the lawn being pursued whilst simultaneously getting stung. They must deliberately seek out ways to get inside your clothes, as I had one in my hard hat, one up my trouser leg and one in my boot! I rapidly flung all my gear off, leaving a trail of clothes behind me until I was left hopping about and slapping myself, wearing just my pants and one sock!
On the lawn of an old folks home. In full view of the residents. :oops:

Got away with only being stung five times, my mate had to pull the arse-end of a dead wasp out of my head, (still got an annoying 'spot' where that happened) and the one just inside my boot took a few days to die down as the boot was irritating it constantly.

Where I'd thrown down my hoodie on the grass, I went to retrieve it only to find a 'sentry' wasp sitting on top, waiting for me. Left my top where it was for the rest of the afternoon, came back to it 2 hours later and he was still there! So I left it.
My mate thought I was being a ponce so went and picked it up for me and got briefly buzzed by the same wasp. After a few seconds he thought that it had gone, as did I, until we got into the truck to go home and matey was about to drive off, when he leapt from the cab and did the same 'trousers off' dance routine on the lawn. It had gone up his leg when he went to get my hoodie. :evil:
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Most of the time, a wasp won't sting you unless you bother it. What a strange expression that is. To mis-quote Billy Connolly: As if you would wake up and say "What a nice day. I think I'll go down the garden and bother that wasp!" :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

The exception is when it thinks you're attacking the nest. To make things worse, when it stings you it also leaves a scent marker and all its friends home in on it. :evil: :evil: :evil:

What is the point of wasps? I hear that all the time at home from our other half. A fair answer is that they're carnivorous and they eat flies. On balance though, I'd rather have spiders. :) :) :)
Most of the time, a wasp won't sting you unless you bother it. What a strange expression that is. To mis-quote Billy Connolly: As if you would wake up and say "What a nice day. I think I'll go down the garden and bother that wasp!" :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

What is the point of wasps? I hear that all the time at home from our other half. A fair answer is that they're carnivorous and they eat flies. On balance though, I'd rather have spiders. :) :) :)

The problems comes when you 'bother' them by accident. I've been stung twice, both in my early teenage years. The first when drinking from a can and didn't realise a wasp was on the rim of the can as i put it to my mouth - that hurt like ..., well, it hurt a lot!! The second was on the beach on hols - was carrying buckets, spades etc... in both hands when something landed on my neck, shrugged my shoulders to get rid of it and the bleeder stung me thinking I was trying to squash it. Agreed, in both circumstances the wasp was probably just defending itself, but that didn't do a thing to make me feel any better.

I can't stand spiders at all but i agree - i'd rather have them to control the fly population than wasps!!
Back in the days of living in Wales we had a large earth bank about 15 ft high down the side of our house with about 3 wasp nests in it.
My dad asked his mate on the council who said just pour petrol down them which my dad did about a gallon.
Unfortunately he then applied a match and blew himself and the bank into the field next door, his mate was in hysterics when he went to visit him. :)
i cant stand wasps ive leapt over the side of scaffolding just to get away from them not a bright move!! the thing is i know they only sting if we bother them but when your sitting in the beer garden enjoying a beer they wont leave ya alone talk about bothering, nothing more satisfying than catching the little bastard under an empty glass then slowly fill the glass with smoke from a cigarette and watch the wasp go nuts and start stinging itself in the head !!!
i cant stand wasps ive leapt over the side of scaffolding just to get away from them not a bright move!! the thing is i know they only sting if we bother them

Not true, at all.

Only European Bees sting in self defence.

African Bees and Wasps are agressive little bastards and will launch premptive strikes of varying levels. These Asian Hornets are the worst, they will swarm and attack if you just go close to the nest. African Bees will also swarm and attack if you disturb the nests, but have been known to chase people for 3 Km, and inflict 800+ stings.

These Asian Hornets will kill someone at some point, you watch.

Its like the Russian Black Squirrels. The greys wiped out the reds, now the blacks are wiping out the greys. There massively agressive, and theres been cases of gangs of Black Squirrels attacking and killing small dogs and cats, i **** you not. Seriously nasty and agressive.
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