waste oil fired boilers

4 Sep 2022
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United Kingdom

Not such luck on the internet, but I am looking for a waste oil heater with a back boiler

The best I could find was this
but they are based in America and they did not respond to my email

Anyone any experance or intrest in this idea please?
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MEthinks Mottie is referring to the Industrial Emissions Directive, see Schedule 13A of the Environmental Planning Guidance for info.

However that is for industrial usage, I see nothing in it that says domestic usage requires a permit, only councils jumping on the "pay us money" bandwagon :)

Perhaps Mottie can provide further information that shows how you need a permit?
Like a government link?
Waste of time trying to point out the legalities to the OP - he readily admits he doesn’t abide by the letter of the law or have any concerns about safety. How will he collect this waste oil? He'll need a licence for that to start with. He'd burn car tyres if he could get away with it.

Have a look at some of his oil burning posts.

Seems Mottie is unable to define the legality of this?

While myself I don't condone anyone burning waste oil, I would like to know the actual legalities of doing so in a domestic heater.
Just why do you think you can’t buy a waste oil burner for domestic use? Used engine oil is classed as hazardous waste. Unless you take it to a recycling centre, you can’t even get rid of it legally without a permit. You would need a permit to remove it from someone’s premises and both of you would have to be registered and need to issue and keep proper certificated documentation and that’s just for starters. Same with tyres - you just can’t burn them. You’re just a crackpot with all your stupid and dangerous ideas of living off grid and getting something for nothing.

About 35 years ago before all these regulations came in, I used to have an old boy take waste engine oil from my garage to heat his house and paint his fences with it. He used to lash two 5 gallon drums either side of the rear wheel on his cycle and wobble off on it. I think he said he used to have some drip feeder contraption. Mind you, although he lived in a terraced house, he had his gas, water and electricity disconnected - I assume it was an eighties version of off-grid living. He was basically just one step up from a tramp - he was rotten and he stunk. He eventually died of hypothermia. Sad to say that many of his neighbours didn’t miss him when he was gone as his house was an absolute eyesore. I always get that picture of him in my head whenever I see yet another of your crackpot posts.
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The salamander heater 1719731369332.pngwould burn waste oil, although I don't think they were designed to do that, and I know at one point the Ffestiniog railway converted some of their engines to burn oil, however it seems it was unsuccessful, and they were converted back to coal.

There was also a point where cooking fat was turned into fuel, however the problem is knowing what is in the oil, I would think the lubrication oil from a gas engine is reasonably safe, as the gas has very few nasties which will be absorbed into the oil, same is not true with diesel and petrol engines.

And when we had an oil spillage when building Sizewell 'B' the whole installation was closed down while it was cleaned up, as it seems extremely cancerogenic. In the days when we used the salamander heater, we also used asbestos in brake linings.

Today most fuels have to be refined in some way, be it coke, charcoal, or oil, we have to remove the nasty bits. To build a burner I know we did on the Falklands where the oil was dripped onto some ash and burnt may work, but to buy one ready-made, a bit like selling drugs, too easy for the authorities to find you.

Like most things, it needs someone to get upset and report you in the main. We all have done things we should not, from having a caravan in front drive, to breaking the 20 MPH speed limit. But asking on a forum is likely to upset people, so would say if you do burn oil, keep mum about it.

4.1 Small waste oil burners​

SWOBs are appliances used to burn waste oil. Waste oil is any mineral, synthetic lubrication or industrial oils that have become unfit for the use for which they were originally intended. For example:
  • combustion engine (eg petrol or diesel) oils and gearbox oils
  • lubricating oils
  • hydraulic oils
Waste oils that haven’t met the end-of-waste criteria for the production and use of processed fuel oil are classed as waste.

SWOBs are considered to be SWIPs as they fall within the scope of the Industrial Emissions Directive definitions of waste incineration and waste co-incineration plants.

As a SWIP they require an environmental permit issued by the local authority. The permit must be issued in line with schedule 13A of the Environmental Permitting Regulations


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