Watchdog Tue 28 Sept

8 Feb 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Should be worth watching as apparently they are exposing cowboy plumbers who have charged £500 for minimal work.
Should be interesting.
Bet this gets moved to General chat but hope it is after the prog goes out as I bet all on site plumbers will be interested ;)
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.........cowboy plumbers who have charged £500 for minimal work........

I could do that, giz a job. I don't see what the problem is, Schumacher gets £1,000,000 a race, a barrister gets £250 an hour at least TV am presenters get £3,000,000 a year. Stop b****y moaning and see where the REAL money goes.

Good one for PVMs comments.
Have to agreed with Oilman, plumbers seems to get a bad name time to time. I've been ripped off a couple of time because I was stupid enough to agreed to the price and pay for it :eek: If they are getting away with it, who fault is that ?
Pehaps they would like to break down that ginger winking twaats wages into an hourly rate and tell me whether we are getting ripped off with our licence fee, oh I forgot, she has made that much money out of us she doesn't have to lower herself to host twaatdog anymore.

As far as TV docs go, well it's just the usual easy target to grab viewers attention, britain is a bag of shiit when it comes to any services, new cars, garages, builders, cafes, post, parcel delivery, public transport,etc etc, we are all ripped of on a daily basis, just go and fill your car up with fuel !!!.
While you were being so vigilant noticing the TV docs on how plumbers or builder or whatever were ripping you off, when you watched the commercials with gary linneker getting a big fat wage packet for advertising crisp, did you "notice" how much it was adding onto the price of the crisp you were eating, how much time and effort did Mr Linneker put into the making of the commercial for the amount of money he was paid, then work out what he got paid an hour !!!!, multiply this by all the other rip off commercials for all the other products we buy, mmmm, dont see any TV docs on this do we, I wonder why, what company do you work for, are they sqweaky clean, where does their money/your money come from,little boy in indian sweat shop maybe, course thats not ripping off is it, thats "business".
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i only watch watchdog for its entertainment value.

You may recall they did the "hotpoint washing line of shame" I was working for hp at the time, a lot of what wd said was total rubbish, then joe public started calling hp, this m/c did this / that/ what ever i had to go to several "tv complaints, not one was upheld, reason people not reading instructions.

best one i went to, "damaged jumper" customer said his wife put it in at 90 degree wash, i looked at jumper showed him its washcare label which said "handwash only" i walked out and left the two of them argueing

my point it that wd does help some, but it does only show one side of most stories, they never mention things like customers who never pay do they?

thats why i always watch it for its entertainment value only
I miss that blonde scottish woman from about 10 years ago who used to use the phrase "potential deathtraaaaaap" pretty much every week! :LOL:

And also Alice Beer... hot or not... I really can't figure it out... Or is she just a classic BOBFOC?

A picture I found of her on a fansite. I look at the face and think "Goat chewing a barbed wire fence", but then I look a little lower and think "a wubba wubba wubba wubba" whilst shaking my head from side to side vigorously. ;)
breezer said:
i only watch watchdog for its entertainment value.

I love these type of programs, have me in bleedin fits sometimes they do. Not because of the cowboys but the never ending stream of unbelievably stoopid people doing unbelievably stoopid things they've been told time and time again not to do.

Mrs P from Bogshire writes: "I gave the man, whom I've never met before, ten thousand pounds in cash. And I didn't see him again!! Well... I don't think that is good enough. What can I do to get my money back oh mighty watchdog? Who do I sue?"
Pehaps they would like to break down that ginger winking twaats wages into an hourly rate and tell me whether we are getting ripped off with our licence fee, oh I forgot, she has made that much money out of us she doesn't have to lower herself to host twaatdog anymore.

As far as TV docs go, well it's just the usual easy target to grab viewers attention, britain is a bag of shiit when it comes to any services, new cars, garages, builders, cafes, post, parcel delivery, public transport,etc etc, we are all ripped of on a daily basis, just go and fill your car up with fuel !!!.
While you were being so vigilant noticing the TV docs on how plumbers or builder or whatever were ripping you off, when you watched the commercials with gary linneker getting a big fat wage packet for advertising crisp, did you "notice" how much it was adding onto the price of the crisp you were eating, how much time and effort did Mr Linneker put into the making of the commercial for the amount of money he was paid, then work out what he got paid an hour !!!!, multiply this by all the other rip off commercials for all the other products we buy, mmmm, dont see any TV docs on this do we, I wonder why, what company do you work for, are they sqweaky clean, where does their money/your money come from,little boy in indian sweat shop maybe, course thats not ripping off is it, thats "business".

True but, they're not really quite the same as Jim Mcfixit saying he's fitted a new bit when all he's done is clean the old bit and stuck it back in cos there's bog all wrong with it. :LOL:
AdamW said:
.............but then I look a little lower and think "a wubba wubba wubba wubba" whilst shaking my head from side to side vigorously. ;)

Hence the expression ... "... Bedford windscreen wipers !" ;)
Studders said:
I love these type of programs, have me in bleedin fits sometimes they do. Not because of the cowboys but the never ending stream of unbelievably stoopid people doing unbelievably stoopid things they've been told time and time again not to do.

I saw an episode of it where they covered a "419" scam, one of those ones where they write to you (this was about 10 years ago, so e-mail wasn't so prevalent) and say "we have millions of pounds to claim, all you have to do is register yourself as next of kin of the recently killed dicatator of this African republic and you can have half of it. By the way, you need to send us a thousand quid to cover admin costs etc."

People were moaning because they had sent off their life savings and were surprised when they didn't get a million quid in return. Seriously. I think Watchdog should have given the scammers a pat on the back for exposing this vein of f*ckwits that runs through our nation, and had each and everyone of them, and their children, neutered to stop them passing on their genes. Who says there isn't room for eugenics in our society!

When I was 8 I threw some money into a wishing well, and my wishes of having a Ferrari and marrying a particular girl in my class STILL haven't come true. I'm writing to Watchdog. :LOL:
AdamW said:
When I was 8 I threw some money into a wishing well, and my wishes of having a Ferrari and marrying a particular girl in my class STILL haven't come true. I'm writing to Watchdog. :LOL:

When I was younger I used to pray to god for a ferrari. Then I realised god doesn't work that way, so I nicked one and asked for forgivness :LOL: :LOL:
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