Watchdog Tue 28 Sept

just in case any body missed it you can watch or record watch dog
tommorow morning at 0135 bbc 1 in---- 2and a half hours

big all
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masona said:
Have to agreed with Oilman, plumbers seems to get a bad name time to time. I've been ripped off a couple of time because I was stupid enough to agreed to the price and pay for it :eek: If they are getting away with it, who fault is that ?

Hi Masona - what exactly happened with the plumbers?

I'm researching a new show for Channel 5 about builders - it's actually an affectionate look at the builder as we know it, and we'd love to hear anyone's anecdotes about having the builders in - good or bad!

If you have any good stories and would like to chat, please email me ________________________________

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