Weak flow from electric shower,

You need hot and cold feeds from tank and cylinder for that type of shower. Your existing shower only has mains cold ,so some plumbing work to do if you want to change ,and amending the electric also .
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Ok...thank you for that...my nephew is a plumber and a Friend an electrician..so that will be ok...but would that type of shower give me the increase in water output/power/flow from the shower itself as it has an internal booster ? Cheers again.
Yes .quite a bit better. Flow around 10 to 12 litres per minute ,as opposed to instantaneous 10 KW around 6 to 7.
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Highly unlikely that it will give 11 Lt/ minute at a reasonable temperature.
I have fitted quite a few T80 variants ,they are versatile for retro fitting ,keep one in stock actually.
Never seen one that will give 11 lt/m
At 30 Deg C.
Just going with what the manufacturer states terry
I am firmly in the relatively basic 9.5Kw electric shower camp. It is sophisticated enough for me to just dial in the temperature I want, and it will then modulate the water flow and current draw to achieve that temperature perfectly. The temperature and quantity of the flow from it, is quite satisfactory for me to get a good shower, I have absolutely no desire for anything better. Very much a dial in the temperature once and it will do the rest type of shower.

My 9.5Kw replaced an even more basic 7.5kw shower, where the temperature had to be set by manually adjusting the flow via a flow control tap. Now that one was a very unsatisfactory set up - the temperature constantly varied and was entirely dependent on the varying water pressure.
It won't modulate the 'current draw' that's fixed by the size of the heating elements at 41 amps (9.5 kW at 230V) so once switched on, the heat output from the elements stays constant.

To control the temperature, the water flow newer showers automatically regulate the water flow and keep it constant. But the control principle is still 'less water = hotter water', and 'more water = cooler water', in the same way that you manually adjusted the flow through your older shower.

In the case of the OP, they already have a 10.5kW electric shower which they are unhappy with the performance of, so for them 9.5kW would be worse.

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