Weight which can be supported by plaster board?

... I am inclined to ask you whether people (in general) would know what you meant if you told them, for example, that you were going to extend a bit of their wiring "using Wagos".
I quite agree, that was my point so are you telling be that 'Interset' is the name of one company that makes hollow wall anchors.

If so, I have several times commented when posters say "using Wagos" and point out that other connectors are available.
The term is half way to being like 'Hoover' - good for Wago but irritating.
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I quite agree, that was my point so are you telling be that 'Interset' is the name of one company that makes hollow wall anchors. If so, I have several times commented when posters say "using Wagos" and point out that other connectors are available. The term is half way to being like 'Hoover' - good for Wago but irritating.
That's all true - but, as per Pete's example, there are countless products which are almost universally referred to by their proprietary name or the name of the manufacturer, the name of their inventor or whatever - and that's simply 'how it is', and it is (IMO) foolish to believe that that will ever change.

Although, as you say, things like "Hoover", "Biro", "Henley Block" etc. etc. are a little different, in that they arise when a product of a certain type appears and only one product, with a proprietary name, persist for a long time (partially because of patent laws) before other products of a similar type, with a different name,appear - by which time the original name has become ingrained in many people's minds.

I note that it is Friday evening :)
You all seem to have the wrong end of the stick by quoting very common names when I queried - very politely - a name I have never heard before.

Intersets are good but I've found them to be less reliable than toggles
You all seem to have the wrong end of the stick by quoting very common names when I queried - very politely - a name I have never heard before.
What's so special about you, and what you've ever heard of?

What about the people who have never heard of a Surform (or whatever)?
Carry on Meggering my cables and you will be happy providing you Hoover up afterwards with A Panasonic or a Dyson.

Isn`t it beautiful that language (English Language or any other) is so full of these interesting little anomalies that unless you are accustomed to all the quirks and irks and vagrancies that you might need a computer full of A.I. to translate them. Brilliant, makes life so much more fun and sometimes a good source of humour.

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