Have contacted Highways and my local Planning about an opinion on this but no joy.
Currently, access from my drive is being blocked by cars on the other side of the road.
When they are parked opposite its impossible (or very difficult) to exit my drive even in reverse without going over the kerb.
We do have a drop kerb in place but with the cars parked where they are, it's not wide enough.
My driveway is situated in a corner and I often have to reverse off the drive, off the dropped kerb and around the parked vehicles to exit the property.
This wasn't a massive problem until my old car went pop I am now set to pick up a new car (with less clearance road to body work).
You can get your dropped kerb altered so you have a better appooach to your drive,we had ours altered (extended) by 2m in one direction and reduced by 2m in the other direction,cost £1.5k well worth the expense.
Neighbours and parking,thats a recipe for problems .