Welfare state? when will the abuse end?

  • Thread starter LittlePlum2
  • Start date
Life is just great on the DOLE its never been a better time to spend over time in the bedroom and knock out more kids, i know 2 families both with 7 kids and they want more kids, cant blame them tho, future tax payers is what they are
yea reep what yea sow says thy Lord Bob
Just to shut a few idiots up I will fill in some more info. Not that its anyone business.

My wife brings in roughly £800 plus the JSA and tax credits of £596 thats £1,396. She was working two jobs for a while without the JSA and credits.

My mortgage for a small 2 bed house is £550/month thats about £455 repayments and £95 interest. I've had this house for about 8 yrs following my divorce. I did not get the house in the hope that someone else would pay off my mortgage I brought it because I had a good career and was earning £40+k a year.

All I have said in that 28yrs of work I have been out of work a couple of times but nothing as long as a year, the rest of the time I've paid my dues and not complained. In my last job I was paying more than we live on in taxes and NI so why is my claim so much less than the 'career' unemployed?

I asked the bank to help by reducung the mortgage to interest only so I could pay 5 months with what equates to one months mortgage, but they said no way. It doesn't matter as we will use our savings to cover this for however long but I was annoyed at their attitude.

I'm not asking for handouts or someone to bale me out just what in essence is 'fair' I have put in so I should be able to draw out in times of hardship, its been longer than I expected to find employment and I'm trying to get back in but its difficult.

Dont feel sorry for me but equally DONT judge me as you dont know me!

PS My mortgage was less than 20% of my total take home pay originally, I dont think that was too much.....
It's obvious though what is really wrong with the benefits system. Young girls and women want a council flat/ house and a bit of money. They see the easiest way to get this is to lie on their backs and knock a kid out. Great,,, Instant benefits and a house to boot. Need more money? Knock another sprog out. It becomes an endless cycle.

But, and here's the really big but...... Asylum seekers come here,,, Under present rules, they cannot work in this country for a period of ONE YEAR.
They apply for housing and because they have a family with them, they are instantly entitled to council/ housing association/ private accomodation. In addition they are entitled to exactly the same benefits as everyone else. The only difference being, that should they live in London, because of the housing shortage, they can .apply for a privately rented house and housing benefit of up to £900 per week becomes available.
After one year, they can't afford to take a job as they can't ever pay the rent. Meanwhile, they have cottoned on to the fact that , the more kids they have , the more benefit they'll get.

Believe me , it's the young pregnant girls and the asylum seekers that are the biggest drain on the system. Neither have ever payed anything into the system, yet claim so much from it.
It's obvious though what is really wrong with the benefits system. Young girls and women want a council flat/ house and a bit of money. They see the easiest way to get this is to lie on their backs and knock a kid out. Great,,, Instant benefits and a house to boot. Need more money? Knock another sprog out. It becomes an endless cycle.

But, and here's the really big but...... Asylum seekers come here,,, Under present rules, they cannot work in this country for a period of ONE YEAR.
They apply for housing and because they have a family with them, they are instantly entitled to council/ housing association/ private accomodation. In addition they are entitled to exactly the same benefits as everyone else. The only difference being, that should they live in London, because of the housing shortage, they can .apply for a privately rented house and housing benefit of up to £900 per week becomes available.
After one year, they can't afford to take a job as they can't ever pay the rent. Meanwhile, they have cottoned on to the fact that , the more kids they have , the more benefit they'll get.

Believe me , it's the young pregnant girls and the asylum seekers that are the biggest drain on the system. Neither have ever payed anything into the system, yet claim so much from it.

And that, is an unspeakable truth.
All I have said in that 28yrs of work I have been out of work a couple of times but nothing as long as a year, the rest of the time I've paid my dues and not complained. In my last job I was paying more than we live on in taxes and NI so why is my claim so much less than the 'career' unemployed?

you income will be no less than anybody else in the same circimstances
look up gov uk and check your getting every thing you are entitled to

also if you get regular help from your parents for say your gas bill for example make shure its not a direct debit or other obvious method
because if they do a random audit it will be clasified as income
same applies to grannys help to wee johny off £20 a month by direct debit to pay for his judo that will count as income and reduce your benefits by a simmilar or the same amount :cry:

you income will be no less than anybody else in the same circimstances
look up gov uk and check your getting every thing you are entitled to

also if you get regular help from your parents for say your gas bill for example make shure its not a direct debit or other obvious method
because of they do a random audit it will be clasified as income
same applies to grannys help to wee johny off £20 a month by direct debit to pay for his judo that will count as income and reduce your benefits by a simmilar or the same amount :cry:[/quote]

My income is less than the 'career' unemployed as I have savings and a second house all of which are seen as assets which I have to diminish before I can step up to a proper claim. This also accounts for the banks attitude towards me as they hold the savings and know exactly how much they are.

We also dont have any help from family, the occasional pie in the fridge and 2 dozen eggs is about the most we get but then we don't actually ask for any help either!!

The problem is living off the savings means that when we want to move, and we do NEED to move, all of our saving well be gone and we'll need a bigger mortgage.

It seems that looking after yourself is just not the thing to do!!
It seems that looking after yourself is just no the thing to do!!

I feel for you mate, I really do. That is why I support the tories in their proposal that everyone should be treated the same and you shouldn't be puniched if you have worked hard to gain assets.

The elderly care thing for example where if you have assets they bleed you dry before they help unlike the people who haven't bothered to save who get it free straight away.

Sickening! What kind of message is that?!
It seems that looking after yourself is just no the thing to do!!

I feel for you mate, I really do. That is why I support the tories in their proposal that everyone should be treated the same and you shouldn't be puniched if you have worked hard to gain assets.

The elderly care thing for example where if you have assets they bleed you dry before they help unlike the people who haven't bothered to save who get it free straight away.

Sickening! What kind of message is that?!

all put in place by the Tories.. Short memories we have, precious.........

And labour have only had....er a decade and a half to change it if they didn't agree with it. The cameronites are promising to change it so that is who I support.