Welfare state? when will the abuse end?

  • Thread starter LittlePlum2
  • Start date
i was merely correcting the mistaken belief that people get help with there morgage as they dont

i made no comment for or against the situation so not shure where your comments are aimed at
Well, actually you showed how the government does help with mortgages.

Interest tends to be quite a high part of a mortgage payment and if they pay 95% of that, that is helping to pay it.
Well, actually you showed how the government does help with mortgages. Interest tends to be quite a high part of a mortgage payment and if they pay 95% of that, that is helping to pay it.

not shure how they help that much realy

in actual fact they assume you have got the best possible deal and get a morgage at the lowest rate so you may be worse off iff your rate is a higher than normal

they dont help with the morgage realy the amount owed at the end off the year will be more than at the begining unless you make up the shortfall in the interest payments
But if they weren't involved at all, you would owe even more than if they were involved....so they are helping with a mortgage.

Yes, they don't pay it all but 95% is a fairly big part of it.
all depends on what you call help realy!!
amount owed say £100.000 over 20 years so say 5% interest thats 5.000 divided by 12 =£41.66 a month with the 100.000 staying the same
Went to another new build home today, for the single mother, laugh..... I hate this country...we are gonna rent a council house, spens all our money, then sit on our lazy asses, x
Emigrate then :LOL: Council house ? Thatcher sold all the good ones - and the rent was a lot cheaper pro-rata back then . The country produces nothing , we`re following Greece - lets all blame the underclasses and the foreigners . Never mind , Your house price has gone up :LOL: :LOL:
So you are left with a couple of hundred pound mortgage
:eek: What f***ing planet are you on? I just took out a mortgage for £69600 for 30 years, the repayments are about £400 a month! :eek: :!:

Unless you have a really old mortgage from back when houses were £20k for a luxury 3 bed semi. :rolleyes:
all depends on what you call help realy!!
amount owed say £100.000 over 20 years so say 5% interest thats 5.000 divided by 12 =£41.66 a month with the 100.000 staying the same

What? 100,000 with a 5% interest rate means that each year it costs 5 thousand pound in interest, meaning interest per month is £416.60!!

Obviously when you pay off some of the actual capital the interest you pay goes down.
This was in reply to the guy saying this himself

"The mortgage company do not want to know and I have a 60% mortgage that I wish to turn to interest only for a while but they wont cooperate as it would be under £100 a month in interest.

I said, couple of hundred to allow for a higher interest rate...so as you can see I have been generous on his figures. These are not ME making them up.
trust me people on benefits without savings wont have the means to pay off any off the capital
So the government paying 95% of £416.60 per month isn't that much? That is a VERY good deal.
My brother found himself unemployed for 4 months from December last year until March this year. Guess how much help- he got with his mortgage??
Absolutely none at all. Last year Labour introduced a mortgage interest relief scheme, designed to help unemployed people keep the roof over their heads. Guess how many people actually were able to claim this??
Less than 20 Nationwide.
Yep Labour really look after people.
No doubt Skitz and others will now come on saying that the unemployed don't deserve anything at all. Yet it has been the Labour administration that have put people on the dole through their policies.
My brother found himself unemployed for 4 months from December last year until March this year. Guess how much help- he got with his mortgage??
Absolutely none at all. Last year Labour introduced a mortgage interest relief scheme, designed to help unemployed people keep the roof over their heads. Guess how many people actually were able to claim this??
Less than 20 Nationwide.
Yep Labour really look after people.
No doubt Skitz and others will now come on saying that the unemployed don't deserve anything at all. Yet it has been the Labour administration that have put people on the dole through their policies.

No, i am happy with an worker who is temporarily out of work to receive money. That is what it is there for. I am only against people that live on the dole as if it was a career system, one in which they get promoted after each kid they produce.
i think perhaps you should look at how the benfit system works before you mouth off and run everyone down thats on it. my brother worked until he was 29 and then had to stop because he has ms. cant walk, cant really do anything but sit in a wheelchair. his wife had to give up work to be his carer recently, and can only work a few hours a week cleaning to bring in extra money. They have to fight tooth and nail to get anything from teh system. They have to scrimp and watch every single penny to try and give their children some semblance of normality

not all roses on the benefits sytem is it?