I all those trillions were in UK investment companies
The difficult path that a fair government has to tread is the pragmatic line of maximising revenue by removing loopholes whilst at the same time encouraging businesses to set up and run in this country.
If only there was some way where all the countries in the world's largest market could get together and agree to clamp down on tax dodgers, so that the companies couldn't try to play off one against the other in a Dutch Auction.
The revelations laid bare more than 300 secret tax deals that Luxembourg had struck with global businesses, including Disney, Skype, GlaxoSmithKline, Koch Industries and Black & Decker.
Sadly you have not grasped that "Luxembourg" is not "The EU" so your post is wrong
The EU has its nose in the trough.....some of the world’s largest corporations cycled billions of dollars through Luxembourg so as to avoid paying huge amounts of tax....
So you'll share my approval that the EU is collectively clamping down on such deals that allow one country to undercut others, driven by the wealthy multinationals playing the member countries against each other.
Well go on then.