What amazes me is not the damage wroute by the Hurricane and tha associeated effects, not the way the US was almost paralysed in it's initial responce, not by the complete incompetence of the Luisianna Governor to take responsibility for the disaster which was forseen, but by the moronic responces of people around the world to the disaster.
Whenever there is a majopr disaster of this type in the world, regardless of religion and politics, for all their many faults, the Yanks are the first on scene, yet no-one has offered them help.
I can understand the frustrations of those in New orleans and the surrounding effected areas, but the reaction of others is a disgrace. The bridges have been destroyed, most roads are blocked by debri, and those that are not have been destroyed or flooded by sea water. All six of the local airports are closed down due to destroyed infra-structure or flooding, and the harbours are full of boats and ships wrecked in the storm.
How the hell were they supposed to get in in five minutes??
The very same issues have occured in EVERY major disaster of this nature anywhere in the world, it always takes several days for the releif efforts to truly kick in, things don't happen immediately as working wonders takes time, but performing a miracle is outside our control.
I have personal experience of a Hurricane of this magnitude, I was in Glaveston when Hurricane Andrew came calling, and believe me this is a difficult thing to deal with. It is not the damage to buildings that is the problem, but the storm surge has caused problems that America has no experience of in modern times.
I think what this event shows us is that perhaps the West is too geared up for disaster relief everywhere else BUT their own back yard.
What we all need to remember that for a similar event to occur in the UK, then somewhere like Brum or manchetser would need to be wiped off the map....How would we cope....Poorely is ther simple answer, the shock and scale of the events would overwhelm our nations ability to effectively and immediately mount a responce, and this is what we saw in the US.