what a difference...New Oreleans

true it wasnt man mad, however the various state and government deptartments have sat on their arses for god knows how long.

i think this link sums a lot of it up really


as does the pictures on the news last night of people unable to walk to th ereliefhelicopters as they are too infirm, while around the corner the police are containing a sniper in a supermarket
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Thermo said:
true it wasnt man mad, however the various state and government deptartments have sat on their a**es for god knows how long.

i think this link sums a lot of it up really


as does the pictures on the news last night of people unable to walk to th ereliefhelicopters as they are too infirm, while around the corner the police are containing a sniper in a supermarket

Well what i heard on the radio yesterday is the helicopters wont land for 2 reasons --they will get swamped with people and they are being shot at constantly
What amazes me is not the damage wroute by the Hurricane and tha associeated effects, not the way the US was almost paralysed in it's initial responce, not by the complete incompetence of the Luisianna Governor to take responsibility for the disaster which was forseen, but by the moronic responces of people around the world to the disaster.

Whenever there is a majopr disaster of this type in the world, regardless of religion and politics, for all their many faults, the Yanks are the first on scene, yet no-one has offered them help.

I can understand the frustrations of those in New orleans and the surrounding effected areas, but the reaction of others is a disgrace. The bridges have been destroyed, most roads are blocked by debri, and those that are not have been destroyed or flooded by sea water. All six of the local airports are closed down due to destroyed infra-structure or flooding, and the harbours are full of boats and ships wrecked in the storm.

How the hell were they supposed to get in in five minutes??

The very same issues have occured in EVERY major disaster of this nature anywhere in the world, it always takes several days for the releif efforts to truly kick in, things don't happen immediately as working wonders takes time, but performing a miracle is outside our control.

I have personal experience of a Hurricane of this magnitude, I was in Glaveston when Hurricane Andrew came calling, and believe me this is a difficult thing to deal with. It is not the damage to buildings that is the problem, but the storm surge has caused problems that America has no experience of in modern times.

I think what this event shows us is that perhaps the West is too geared up for disaster relief everywhere else BUT their own back yard.

What we all need to remember that for a similar event to occur in the UK, then somewhere like Brum or manchetser would need to be wiped off the map....How would we cope....Poorely is ther simple answer, the shock and scale of the events would overwhelm our nations ability to effectively and immediately mount a responce, and this is what we saw in the US.
Why on earth are you having a go at me Freddie? All i said was that i was amazed at whats happening over there. I never laughed and never said 'black' so whats your problem?

Whats happened is tragic in every sense and anyone who can find something to laugh about in regards to it is an ill informed moron.

I'm also very thankful to the USA for helping us in WW1&2. As for down South, well i was yomping all over that place with 45CDO and the only US forces i had any intel on was a couple of SEAL recce teams who never got off of Invinsible. President Reagan did offer support to the UK after Secretary of State Alexander Haigs peace negotiations broke down but no US forces were used.

One other thing Freddie............dont refer to me as scum
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Then you will know you had the use of their satilites and their heat seeking air to air missiles which were used for the first time in conflict.

I fail to see why a person who is fat and black and hasnt eaten for 4 days and most likely hasnt bathed-- cleaned her teeth --slept--seen or heard from her friends and relatives----in fear of being attacked and dodging bullets from sycho's should be singled out for ridicule--------this wasnt her fault cause her car did 15 miles per gallon on a good day-----it wasnt her fault that she lived her life the same as everybody elses around her just as you do-----it wasnt her fault that her president is an ar sehole just the same as your priminister is.---she is a victim just the same as any other person in these circumstances wherever they are, and for some to imply that the hurricane was the fault of Americans driving big cars which they have ever done since they were invented is mad
rhonddaspark said:
So you're still referring to me as scum?

Not really but if you read back to the threads on the London bombings and see how people refer to blaming the worlds ills on Americans and low and behold anybody who speaks out against those who bomb and kill because of all that stuff you will see what i mean.

So you still think the black girl victim cant be at least be hungry or upset after her experience?
Freddie, I've read your various responses to threads on this forum and I find you a bit harsh to be honest and not someone I warm to but I have to say, having watched this lot unfold, I've been a bit bemused to read first of all lack of comment (at other places such as this) and secondly any kind of support for the innocent inhabitants in whats happened. Well done for shooting your mouth off on this occasion, I agree with what you say 110%.
rhonddaspark said:
Hi all.

Completely agree and am amazed at the ignorant ineptitude of the Yanks, though not at all suprised. Bunch of animals with no concept of anything outside US borders.

The one that got me was a woman moaning that she had had nothing to eat for 2 days. All well and good until the camera panned out and revealed a 25 stone blubbering heffer. She could have gone at least a week with no food and lived quite comfortably of the fat reserves in her chin alone. Still, good target practice for the civvy "snipers". After all, Yanks always have been good at shooting each other!


I regard anyone who makes a comment like this about an inocent victim of some disaster as --not very inteligent--someone who has some kind of axe to grind or a complete idiot------scum i think would cover it especially the bit about being good practice for a sycho to kill.

There have been various comments on here from time to time and i may have made a few aswell for reasons because of the heat of the moment regarding criminals and bombers, maybe i am justified maybe i wasnt, but i wonder what a victim of a hurricane did to deserve a post like this, as i implied before if being fat and black is good measure for having your head blown off by a sycho well--------

Maybe all the victims of the London bombings deserved their fate because they couldnt afford a car by your reckoning.
Rhonddaspark - Surely you didn't really expect to make a comment like that without provocking a response like Freddie's did you?
I have to agree that the people of New Orleans who have been granted their 15 minutes of fame on news interviews have done little to encourage the drumming up public sympathy. :(
I too felt shocked how many seem to have done little to help themselves and only bemoan the loss of many 'material' possessions. ( the news has not dwelt heavily on those who have lost loved ones as it did after the tsumnami.)
It certainly is worrying how slow the U.S. have appeared to support it's own in need.
However I do wonder if the terminology used such as 'underbellyof society' and negative media presentation may be fuelling public apathy for the crisis, allowing american to use this disaster to rid itself of an unwanted element without out too many asking questions being raised! :?:
I see the usual suspects jump on this thread to personally attack others here ...I would take them to task but I couldnt care less as Im chilling , lol..lol

if you got points to say ,say it but dont come flaming/trolling
Whats a troll?
Do they live under bridges and eat goats as they walk across?....as in the 3 Billy Goats Gruff fairy story!!!
Freddie said:
Bla Bla Bla--you are like scum yourselves--reading this is just a big joke--a few weeks ago we critisised muslims for thinking plotting and killing our citizens and you lot jumped on us for being racist and now look at you.

A few things to think about

This was a natural disaster no petrol guzzling car bought this on, and to be honest if some turkey told you what to drive you would tell them to f--k off--oh sorry i forgot you all walk everywhere.

Just because someone is black and fat doesnt mean they deserve to be homeless--raped--and shot at or have no food and water----oops sorry i forgot slogger is the only racist here

You can all laugh at their inability to deal with disaster theirselves but dont forget when disasters have happened around the world the Yanks have sent aid most times even to their enemies but i dont see them offering anything to the Americans--i know what i would do if i was a Yank next time---oh yeah and that includes the times they helped us like WW1--WW2--The Falklands---come to think of it you perfect people may not be here to scoff and laugh at their misfortune if it wasnt for some silly stupid Americans who instead of scoffing and laughing came over and gave us a hand, but of course i suppose it's Sloggers fault again.

Well said mate............Those who pour scorn and all that.........pric*s! There are those who have short memories and we are dealing with a disaster bigger than any of those on here putting down judgment could imagine. So stop getting political and think about the suffering!!!
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