What Are Countries So Terrified Of?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Kamala Harris' support for LGBTQ rights has been criticized by the Speaker of Ghana, who called her remarks "undemocratic".

Some countries are still murdering gay people.

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There's a lot of superstition and hoodoos going back generations in some countries, we were in a cinema in Harare watching The Krays, there as a scene where Ronnie was shown in bed with a man, there were many whispers of No no no in the audience and quite a few walked out
Some African countries murder Albino’s for there body parts they are assumed to have some medical benefit

Worst case scenario we probably ( certain ) allow some of these fruit cakes with these fruit cake beliefs into the UK
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When I stayed with friends in Pretoria, they had a lovely border collie called Gandalf. I used to take him walkies and for fetch (collies never stop!) in the park. He had two different coloured eyes and the natives didn't like that one bit. If they noticed they shied away or crossed the road. My secret weapon. :giggle: Even the garden boy gave him a wide berth.