US Election 2024

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Much as I think Trump would be a disaster for America, his reaction in the moments after being shot ,are remarkable.

Many people would have froze or cowered down in fear.

Again, I think Trump would be a disaster for the USA if elected.
or cowered down in fear

He did initially.

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It's all an act. He is a complete coward who calls soldiers who died for their country losers and who hates POWs.
You cannot change your innate character in such moments, you are wrong.

He did cower initially :LOL: Just look at the image above!

Only when surrounded and protected by secret service agents did he act tough.
Only when surrounded and protected by secret service agents did he act tough.

His head was totally exposed, and in that moment he had no idea if more shots were coming in

Do not let your Hatred of Trump alter your view of what happened.

And before the nutters/idiots on here jump on me, Trump is every thing you say he is,
and will be a disaster if elected.
His head was totally exposed, and in that moment he had no idea if more shots were coming in

I'm sure being surrounded by people who will take the bullet for you would make anyone feel brave.

And maybe he just had the instinct that this was too good an opportunity to miss to boost his image; which is everything to him.

If he is so brave, why did he cower down originally? Usually in these situations the target has to be hauled to the floor. But he was already hiding behind the podium.
Do not let your Hatred of Trump

I don't think I actually do hate him. He disgusts me, but I think that is different. One of my friends said she hated him and it felt wrong to me.
Oh come on , Odds, if you've got something to say, just say it, and stop beating about the bush. ;)
When Bush baby was in power i thought it couldn't get worse...and cannot believe how much worse it got when Agent Orange was in the WH: an even more toxic dumpster than the USAAF ever dropped on Vietnam. Even though Bush jr. has become a more serious character since he left office, it can't be said Trump will ever change.
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