Dunno what I had tonight with my sea bass Mediterranean and vegetables one-pot roast. Cost me £13 and I couldn’t tell the difference from last nights £4.50 bottle. I only bought it because it was blue and it had a picture of a fish on the label - It wasn’t even blue for gods sake - I was tricked, only the bottle was blue!
Sauvignon Blanc. On offer in our hotel restaurant at £18 a bottle tonight instead of the usual £24. Probably around £7 in the supermarket. That’s about the right markup for a restaurant though.
They do push the Jersey aspect of things over here and so they should. I've had Jersey Royals, Jersey yoghurt, Jersey milk, Jersey ice cream, Jersey cream tea, Jersey scallops and Jersey plaice so far.
While I was waiting in Lidl car park for Mrs Mottie to come out of the eye clinic yesterday, I popped in and had a look around. I bought this cheap bottle of plonk. Less than a fiver. As the kids would say….Meh!