What are you watching on TV right now?

Fred Dibnahs world of steam and stone......eagerly anticipating the start of Masterchef.
I think I need help!
I caught the last ten minutes of an episode last night as he wandered round Hampton Court in the company of a posh guide: the contrast couldn't have been more stark and i know who i'd prefer to have a pint with: Fred went all medieval on two large chunks of wood to illustrate how they'd make the ceiling beams in Westminster Hall. They knew how to build to last in them days, that they did.
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They had some famous actors in some stories: Telly Savalas as a conniving businessman; John Gielgud as a vicar trying to chisel a Chippendale table from a bunch of farmers and Derek Jacobi in one of my favourite episodes where he went to a bank on a revenge mission disguised as a mad magician.

Tales of the Unexpected was great, the earlier ones being the best; it fizzled out later. I saw one recently starring the actress Gloria Graeme. She was a big Hollywood name in the 40s and 50s but spent her later years in Liverpool. I recommend the film "Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool" about her.
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Morning live on BBC1. Watching the female host with a split skirt trying to keep her knickers covered.
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