what are your views on this diy install ?

Don't mention spin, Tony will probably start trying to 'breakdance' :LOL:
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Many of my previous postings have been in reply to an earlier posting so there is a zig zag chain.

Corgiman, CORGI have told me that if we come across an illegally fitted boiler we should advise them of the installers details. Anyone who has been born earlier than yesterday knows that illegals dont give their correct name or address. CORGI recommend that I do commission it to be sure its safe to use, better done than not!

I am in the lead of the anti illegal installers but I was very disappointed when I asked members of the Association about establishing a procedure for dealing with illegal installs. The replies I received showed there was no support for this because mostly they were afraid of reprisals from the illegals. I found that very disappointing.

10 months ago we were introduced to Phil Brewster of CORGI who had been appointed to spearhead the new CORGI actions against illegals. Few at the HQ have even heard of him so far!

As for RIDDOR, anyone who has done one of those knows that if the box "How many died" is marked "0" then there is likely to be zero or little investigation.

The one I did was for an illegal instal on a boiler which exploded and blew the installer up the stairs. Although all the details were available all the HSE did was just to write a letter to the landlord advising him to use a CORGi next time.

Agile said:
As for RIDDOR, anyone who has done one of those knows that if the box "How many died" is marked "0" then there is likely to be zero or little investigation.Tony

Never had that box to fill in on my RIDDORS :confused: I've only ever issued 3 and all were followed up by HSE by return and perpetrators brought to book ;)
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I agree but am shocked at the totally contradictory advice CORGI is giving out

to me RIDDOR it shut it down leave or re do all over again, You Ahh you may as well

Yet another example of CORGI big big Joke on us

But I still think you should leave those to be hoisted on their own petard, why should they get a cheap cheap job done by an unregistered (or themselves) install.

Honest people pay more and get a professional job done why should these people get an advantage because they have given you a sob story... Sod them
gas4you said:
Agile said:
As for RIDDOR, anyone who has done one of those knows that if the box "How many died" is marked "0" then there is likely to be zero or little investigation.Tony

Never had that box to fill in on my RIDDORS :confused: I've only ever issued 3 and all were followed up by HSE by return and perpetrators brought to book ;)

I must have writting about 60 odd RIDDORS now of which followed up so I have to agree with Tony I hate it but the RIDDOR is all we have
gas4you said:
Agile said:
I see the problem lying with CORGI who permit us to commission a boiler on the basis that its better checked by a professional than not!

I can see their argument but it offers a way out to those landlords who use unregistered installers.

However until Building Control have the staffing to deal with boilers that will never happen and thats in reality never likely to happen.


This has not addressed my issue with your post about flushing though Tony :rolleyes:
But I still think you should leave those to be hoisted on their own petard, why should they get a cheap cheap job done by an unregistered (or themselves) install.

Honest people pay more and get a professional job done why should these people get an advantage because they have given you a sob story... s** them
With you on that on corgiman. :evil: :evil:
sooey said:
But I still think you should leave those to be hoisted on their own petard, why should they get a cheap cheap job done by an unregistered (or themselves) install.

Honest people pay more and get a professional job done why should these people get an advantage because they have given you a sob story... s** them
With you on that on corgiman. :evil: :evil:

ANd tomorrow we match on Parliament


all both of us

corgiman said:
Honest people pay more and get a professional job done why should these people get an advantage because they have given you a sob story... s** them

Thats not usually the case. Most landlords are fully aware of what they are doing using an unqualified installer.

The worst case was an English Asian Doctor who had used an East European to fit a boiler for £150. It worked for all of two weeks ! When I suggested reporting him to CORGi he said he was frightened of reprisals. His body language indicated he wanted to use him for cheap work again.

Until CORGI team up with the HSE to use their extensive powers we have no hope. CORGI, for those who dont know, only investigate when called in by the property owner.

Agile said:
...CORGI recommend that I do commission it to be sure its safe to use, better done than not!

I am in the lead of the anti illegal installers...
What a heap of b*llocks. If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem, and by completing an installation that a shoddy builder has started you're supporting the builder's belief that she can continue doing it.

Surely you can make the right decision without having CORGI decide for you? Especially as in this case they seem incapable of getting it right. :rolleyes:
corgiman said:
and you can do you bit by dropping your 180 quid service

I think you have misunderstood what I said.

The £180 is when I am called in at the beginning to co-ordinate the siting and installation. I carry out all the activities the CORGI is required to do and can legitimately then class the installation as my own.

By the way all this is hypothetical as its three years since I last did this. In London you can get the whole boiler installation by the East Europeans and still have change from £180.


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