what can you do? or should i have done OLD PEOPLE DRIVING

i get in front of them and take them down to 30 mph then speed away :LOL:
Richardp said:
dabaldie said:
yeah but rich.. you hardly need to drive on the scillies
oh! drat! you gone caught me out, well I gotta drive me boat over to tresco and back for a pint of skinners. :oops:

And if the wind is head on? Goodbye DickieP for several months... If not forever !
:D :D
Gary_M said:
crafty1289 said:
Theres always one driver on my way to work, determined to hold up the traffic. They get to a village, see the 30 signs, and somehow never see the de-restricted signs (or, as i suspect in many cases, dont know what they mean)............

Yeah, then there's the ones who were toddling along at 30mph in a 60 zone, come to a 40mph restriction and slow down to 25

I usually find myself travelling behind some idiot doing 35mph in a 60mph then when it becomes 30mph and a built-up area I slow to 30 whilst they accelerate!!
vokera80e said:
i rekon this one is down to drink,i would have got the reg number and reported it straight away to the cops...(save a life):cool:

And you think they'd have done anything? Not if you lived round here they wouldn't! The amount of times I reported an ex-neighbour for drink driving and they did nothing. I mean, this guy wasn't just a drunk, he was also banned from driving and still using his car every day.

Every time myself or another of the neighbours phoned the police about him they said 'Oh well, if he's going out now, we'll never catch him as we won't know where he's going' - 'Errrr pretty obvious, to his job at the factory' we'd say and tell them exactly where he was going, passing the police station on his way! Nothing was ever done about him though :evil:
So a lunatic is speeding about at 6:00am, overtaking in a 40 zone, he overtook me while i was doing 45, residential area. Have i grounds to call the police and report him for dangerous driving / speeding? Would they take any notice? I mean, can they take action just from me phoning in? Or does an officer have to see the offence take place?
crafty1289 said:
So a lunatic is speeding about at 6:00am, overtaking in a 40 zone, he overtook me while i was doing 45, residential area. Have i grounds to call the police and report him for dangerous driving / speeding? Would they take any notice? I mean, can they take action just from me phoning in? Or does an officer have to see the offence take place?
They'd probably do you for doing 45 in a 40 zone :LOL:
crafty1289 said:
So a lunatic is speeding about at 6:00am, overtaking in a 40 zone, he overtook me while i was doing 45, residential area.

You sound like one of those dozy coffin dodgers Crafty.

If you're a really good driver like me you can overtake on the approach to blind bends. You see, I've got reflexes to get out of the way when some berk comes the other way on the wrong side of the road, OK?

I'm really quick, so as soon as I get on to the motorway I pull straight out into the fast lane, right? Except, of course, you get a load of jerks there, so I often pass them on the inside and then pull out again and give them a brake test. Sometimes there's too much traffic around, so I use the hard shoulder to get past them.

I always switch my rear fog light on as soon as it gets dark, and that's really good when it's raining, because it blinds people so they won't get too close to me. I'm not bothered about fog lights on other cars, as I always wear my shades. I never switch my headlights on until it's really dark - I can see where I'm going, so why can't everyone else, right? But as soon as it gets dark I switch my headlights on full beam all the time. See and be seen, that's what I say.

When I'm on a country road and the guy in the car in front of me pulls to the right to see if he can overtake other vehicles ahead, I accelerate up the inside, so he can't pull back in. He who hesitates deserves a smack in the gob.

When I'm approaching a T-junction to turn left, I don't slow down; I just chuck the car sideways and join the traffic flow at 70mph. If they hit me up the back, that's their fault, right?

If I'm going along the road and someone shapes up to pass me, I pull out a few feet to stop them. Anyone who tries to pass me must be a right nutter, because I'm brilliant and nobody's as quick as me. If they try a second time, I give them a brake test. If they get alongside me, I'll accelerate and prevent them getting ahead.

When I'm on the motorway and it narrows from three to two, I always drive right to the cones and then pull in to the left. People hoot sometimes, so I give them The Gesture, and maybe a brake test too.

The basic rules of good overtaking are:
Swerve to the right - Indicate - Use the horn - Look in the mirror - Swerve to the left - Give THE Gesture - Brake Test.

Because I'm such a brilliant driver, who never makes any errors of judgment, it's quite impossible for me to have an accident unless it's caused by someone else. There are some real berks around, believe me.

There must be at least 50 people I know who could have written that about their driving - if they could spell!
slogger ,

right you get in front of them then brake an then speed off , I hope you been drinking Red Bulls on that pushbike of yours ..lol :)
It really p.....s me off the approx 55 yr olds that do 45 everywhere, oblivious to any speed restrictions. :evil: . You can never pass them on our winding Dorset roads and they cruise ahead when you slow to 30. Missiles mounted on the front of the van is required I reckon. And one on the back to 'tail gun' those bar stewards that don't acknowledge you when you wait ages for them to come past an obstruction :evil: its my right of way :evil: f88cking ignorant gits :evil:.

OK, its Friday[TFI], so I'll pour a whisky & calm down!
Told by my ADI to make progress.

In a 30, stick to or under the limit. People in front tootle off well in XS of 30.

Get out of 30, put foot down, find self stuck behind wnkr who tootled thro 30 at 40+, but stayed at the same spped despite derestricted zone.


Why do people completely ignore 30 zones, but not take advantage when they are free to go faster??
