What classification is my degree?

You / he did not complete sufficient modules / obtain sufficient credits to be awarded an Honours degree. The degree is an ordinary BSc.
This /|\.

It kinda goes like this:
3rd class honours
lower 2nd
upper 2nd

Your friend might still qualify to get on an MSc or MBA program, if the ordinary was obtained from a respected University. However, given the timing, if it was a sh*te polyversity then he may struggle, unless he wants an Open university MBA, which isn't really recognised in industry.
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Hi Folks
A friend of mine obtained his degree about 20 years ago. However, he ended up doing various no graduate level jobs.
He now wants to go back into education and wants to find out the degree classification which he gained in the early 1990s.
On the certificate, it says 'Awarded the Bachelor Of Science degree having followed an approved Honours programme'.
He is confused as to which class he achieved or whether he just passed an ordinary degree, without honours.

Can someone kindly advice?

Where else an he go to clarify this?

Thanks in advance
Your degree,? Friends degree,? Either way,,what a muppet question.
I guess not everyone knows that ordinary degrees aren't classified.