Those with a sounder grasp of geometry will realise that it doesn't quite work like that.AdamW said:I would think that a single set of 6mm T&E would fit in "normal" terminals just fine, after all on a ring you have 2x 2.5mm = 5mm. If you spur off that becomes 7.5mm.
To say that because a terminal can accept 3 x 2.5mm² cores it must be able to take a 6mm² is true, but the problem with the reasoning above is that you might therefore think that the corollary is true, i.e. that because 2 x 2.5 < 6, a terminal with a capacity of 6mm² must be able to take 2 x 2.5mm², or that a because 4 x 2.5 = 10, a 10mm² can accept 4 x 2.5mm², and this is not the case: