What have you been doing today?

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Busy day today. Mrs Motties birthday. Dropped the dog off at our friends for the day, went to our grandsons sports day, then jumped on the Lizzy line and went up the West End to see Book of Mormon followed by a meal at a posh restaurant.

The Book of Mormon was f'cking hilarious as long as you are open minded. Not near the mark at all - way over all marks known to man! Don’t go and see it if you are the sensitive type. Or Christian. Or Mormon. Or black. Or gay. Or would be offended seeing Adolf Hitler getting a blow job from another man. Or don’t like swearing or offensive non-pc language . Or or or.. nothing is out of bounds. Nothing. Oh, it’s a musical too. :ROFLMAO:
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Spent four hours applying for Indian evisas, random questions about parents birthplaces, whether we had been terrorists, then spent ages resizing photos & passport scans, got a headache now
Swearing. A lot.

Having been caught up in the "Streetly and Great Barr" I really am not fit to be behind the wheel, but how much harm can it do on a Sunday morning? " event".

In no particular order,

The black Audi a5, who was p! sed, lost, or both, alternating between 15mph and stationary, on a 50mph A road,

The black Mercedes C-something who, despite there being nothing at all coming the other way, thought it safest to wait until the lights turned red, before making their right turn, and then proceeding - barely - at warp factor 20(mph), strangely mimicking the p!zzed / lost A5 driver of moments before,

The orange Hyundai, who thought it was safest to drive in the middle of the road at 20mph, only returning to the left side of the road when a car was approaching. Oh, and braking almost to a standstill at each bend, junction, pothole, shadow.......

Any number of Discos, Audis, and Beemer, who thought the inside lane was only for trucks and plebs,

The lady in the Audi Q-barge, who took "speed kills" almost to its logical conclusion, and joined the M5 at 30mph, causing those already on the motorway to have to brake, and those behind her on the slip road to have nowhere to go at all.......
Spent four hours applying for Indian evisas, random questions about parents birthplaces, whether we had been terrorists, then spent ages resizing photos & passport scans, got a headache now
Email from Indian government saying visa status is granted but no visa, went back on website and typed the code number in, voila! visa popped up complete with QR code & photo, now printed and stored in holiday folder, a good quick service but frustrating at times
The rear tyre on my bike has a slow puncture despite the rube being filled with puncture sealant from new and being supposedly self-sealing in the event of a puncture - not the sort of puncture you want to be doing on the side of the road. I removed the rear wheel - bit of a faff as it’s an E-bike conversion and that involved removing the rear derailleur to get the wheel off. Stripped the tube out, inflated and tested it - no leaks anywhere! Must have been a loose locknut on the presta valve. Put it all back together. Going to see if it stays up this time!
Clearing up the utility room, following the adventures with freezers over the weekend.

I collected the plug in timer I had been using to keep the old freezer limping along, moved it to the bottom of the stairs, ready to be taken back to the upstairs store where such things are kept, back in the utility - now tidier, I spotted a second plug-in timer, decided that could also go back to storage, and that a four way plug-in adaptor would be sensible for an oversubscribed socket in the utility. At that point, decided to kill three birds, go up for a shower, take the surplus items up and seek out a four way adaptor. Whilst seeking that adaptor, I got my attention diverted, trying to remember the spec of a capacitor, which had exploded in a LED light fitting, I was planning to attempt to repair - 2.2uF 450v. I had discovered the outer shell of the cap, whilst finding and fixing a replacement spring pin for her watch strap, late last night, after she had lost the pin, helping me move the old freezer out for council collection.

I found a spare four way, had a shower, then sat on the stairs trying to remember what I had planned to do with the four way. That took a few minutes, by which time she had washed the utility floor, so I couldn't actually put the four way where I had planned it to go. Next we plan to go out for a slap-up lunch, hence the shower.

Between times, I found the old freezers shelves, would make almost perfect replacements for the lava rock shelves, in the BBQ, when they need replacing, so those old freezer shelves have been stored for possible future use.
Carnage at the allotment!

Popped over there today and my sweetcorn bed looked like it had hosted a bloody rugby match! Plants were toppled and munched. Pesky squirrels had mounted a raid. I managed to salvage about half of them and close the stable door after the horse had bolted so to speak by propping up and netting the remainder of the plants. Oh well, it was all going so well and I had been trying out the Three sisters method of planting in that bed. At least I should still be able to salvage the butternut squash though.


Harvested some absolutely massive courgettes though and gave them to a neighbouring plot holder for his vegetarian relative.

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