What have you been doing today?

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Waiting for a ‘teams’ meeting to start so that I can do my online speed awareness course. I’d wish they’d hurry up….
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Phew, that was ninety quid and three and a half hours of my life I’ll never see again. My own stupid fault though so I can’t really complain.
The underside of the footplate, has trap sensors, to prevent things on the stairs being run over, and folds up, out of the way. Yesterday, I found a piece of board, 35 x 14", which I managed to lash temporarily onto the foot plate, cantilevered out behind with rope, added a cushion. Then spent an hour trying to tempt her onto it. It wasn't easy, but I got her there in the end and got her to lay down. Holding her still at the shoulder, I ran the lift all the way to the top, then back down, with no sign of panic.

Come bedtime, she sleeps on the landing, I did the same, but told her to get off at the top. She got off, seeming to be quite happy with the idea of riding up the stairs, instead of struggling. Having proved the principle works, today I'll try to improve on the idea, make a board with steel brackets, so it hooks into place, and upholster it.

As said Avril's away for a few days, and the dog would never precede me up the stairs, but in case she stumbled on the way up - I wanted to follow her close behind, to catch her...

If I go up ahead of her, she will struggle to follow me, and so Avril would follow her, in case she stumbled.

Having spent time adapting the stair lift, so she can ride it up the stairs, I got her to use it just the once, last Saturday, and once on it, she seemed quite calm about it. Each bedtime since then, I've tried to persuade her to get on the lift, and she's refused. Instead, she's galloped up the stairs ahead of me at full speed, every evening since. I'm thinking the struggle for her to get up the stairs, is her simply playing for sympathy.
As the roofer has told us that additional weight in the loft is a BAD THING, I am preparing to empty it.

I have to be decisive and ruthless, which most of you know I am most definitely NOT!

But, until we manage to find a roofer (which we are struggling with massively) to stop the roof spreading, we need to lighten the load.

We have had many roofers out to look and they have all been scared off by the surveyors report.

Getting to the point where I'm really not sure where to go next.
Tonight I made pancakes.
Yes I know it was supposed to be yesterday but the wife came home with some bottle pancake mix and no fillings and twas awful.

So today I made them the proper way, using lots of bowls, all the powered machines in the kitchen and 2 sets of scales ;)
Nice & thick n fluffy with plenty of goodies on.

I'm now booked to make them every pancake day from now on.
Tonight I made pancakes.
Yes I know it was supposed to be yesterday but the wife came home with some bottle pancake mix and no fillings and twas awful.

So today I made them the proper way, using lots of bowls, all the powered machines in the kitchen and 2 sets of scales ;)
Nice & thick n fluffy with plenty of goodies on.

I'm now booked to make them every pancake day from now on.
Pfft! 123. Remember that.100 grams of plain flour, 2 eggs, 300 ml of milk. 1 bowl. Mix it up. Melted butter in the frying pan. Enough for 4 decent sized, decent thickness pancakes.
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