What if Reform won? (Farage emergency announcement at 4pm)

You really are a prick

No one she’d look at at though.

Reform UK has received more than £2.3 million from oil and gas interests, highly polluting industries, and climate science deniers since December 2019, amounting to 92 percent of the party’s donations
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A large number can speak 2 languages, English being one. How many can you speak?
I said that in response to ellall's "streets in Oldham comment". There's plenty of places where the language is not English first.
She didn't waste the shampoo on him then, grabbing her tit, you dirty old dog Nigel your the one for me !!!
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Forget it - I am done here as there is no point in wasting my time posting as my posts will just get removed when the usual suspects cry to the MODs because the argument swings against their own viewpoint.
Forget it - I am done here as there is no point in wasting my time posting as my posts will just get removed when the usual suspects cry to the MODs because the argument swings against their own viewpoint.
More excuses from the resident conspiracy theorist.
I flicked the TV on yesterday and caught the end of a Farage interview were he was being given a hard time about some statement on Reform's web site. So hard he said give me 12hrs and I'll fix it.

;) No idea what it was. Later I took a look. Sections to click on. I picked one and it came up with a synopsis and also a link to the full article. LOL If you fancy a long read lacking any actual actions try this one
At its root, Faragism is a project to take this country further and further to the right. And from Brexit through to Suella Braverman, it has worked. Its most devoted support in this project has been the media, which sees leaving the EU or denying care system migrant workers as essential and easy tasks, while taxing the rich or investing in public services are swivel-eyed Marxism. Such an argument cannot be appeased or compromised with. It needs to be countered, disproved with facts and its progenitors shown as the cosseted chancers they are. Yet it is a feature of Westminster politics that there is no institution willing or able to make that case.

Aditya Chakrabortty paints a disturbing picture of 'the Farage Effect' on Westminster and the country @ the Guardian -
Such an argument cannot be appeased or compromised with. It needs to be countered, disproved with facts and its progenitors shown as the cosseted chancers they are. Yet it is a feature of Westminster politics that there is no institution willing or able to make that case.
We live in dangerous times

Wishy Sunk made a blatant lie in the TV debate, and he is doubling down on it rather than apologising

he can do it because as you say, he can get away with it, the media arent robustly challenging it and the right media are pushing the lie as hard as they can

the liars are winning
At its root, Faragism is a project to take this country further and further to the right.
In real terms the ERG are as well.

Farage was nothing until UKIP was formed and also election as an MEP. As he admits it gave him access to the media. Well this time he has formed Reform. Same effect.

Interesting choice of MEP. His main idea was to disrupt the place. In fact there was a video of his speech there that was around where he clearly stated he intended to end the EU parliament and put all of them out of a job. The various treaties figured in his reasoning for going this way. Bit potty as all needed agreements from heads of states and exceptions added as needed. To be the equal of the US or better the EU would have to be run in senate state fashion. There is zero chance of that due to each country having it's own political parties. Give it a 100years or so maybe they would get used to the idea.

The ERG MP's are the people that got the referendum through. Other countries have had them at times results are usually fairly close as ours was. Pity the flannel that was thrown in by various people but we do have a gain - the amount we paid in less what came back.

Interesting article on political thought. Bit exaggerated but probably not in Farage's case. There is strong grain of truth in it.
[from the link]...they are driven by three interrelated strands of thinking: a hostility to government and especially supra-national government; a conviction that Britain (essentially England) is inherently superior to other countries; and a distrust of reasoned compromises and bargained solutions and especially those informed by expert opinion. In will abbreviate these as anti-statism, chauvinism and anti-intellectualism.

This is a broad synopsis of the 'Pop-Cons' remit, headed by the swivel-eyed mania of Lettuce Liz and the acolytes eager to jump on any gravy train that promises tax-free earnings for them; few regulations and no government oversight to inhibit their profiteering. Not only have they broken the ties with Europe but would see the Union split apart in order to maintain English supremacy in every aspect of life. It's the anti-intellectual stance that should concern us in the way they disparage the opinion of 'experts' in their particular field and seek to replace the established order with a hierarchy of sycophants.

Farage is a symptom of this disease: a virus prepared to take over the body politic by whatever means necessary. Their American counterparts were responsible for abolishing the restrictions on their activities which led to the financial crash of '08; an event the UK hasn't recovered from and continues to suffer from the fallout of losing so much value on national reserves, then wasted on vanity projects and incompetence in subsequent Conservative administrations that didn't go far enough for the ERG. It's this failure to go all-in to 'Free Britannia' which bears the brunt of the blame for Bre*its unsuccessful birth and the opposition to the free market economy advocated by the adherents to this creed.

The last thing Nigel Farage wants is to be given an responsibility for being in charge of such policies - Liz Truss being the obvious example of how unqualified they are to hold office. Boris Johnson is cut from the same cloth: a good laugh in the bar and a persuasive preacher to the converted, but when put under the kind of scrutiny politicians are required to succumb in Westminster, their rhetoric soon becomes the kind of bluster belched forth by a third rate huckster at a country fair.

An example is his promise to achieve 'net-zero migration' - an admirable aim, according to the folk watching GBnews, but when asked how this would be achieved he has no answer. When asked how would jobs in the care sector would be affected, he has no answer. All is froth and no substance to this tasteless brew.
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