What if Reform won? (Farage emergency announcement at 4pm)

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What if Reform won? The Fantasy Island returning officer would read out the result.
Trump and garbage are looking more like a certain corporal in 1930's Germany than ever before...

And the stupid people will still get sucked in!

So which person(s) in essex will admit to hoping that garbage will win?
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Anyone on here care to stick their neck out and predict that 'garbage' won’t win?
Their tax rates are not 'vastly higher'...

They just choose to get the rich to pay more than the poor proportionately and use the income more wisely as regards public services :rolleyes:

PS. Could you tell us which European country first introduced a recognised income tax? ;)
The Egyptians..
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I did think starmy was on course for a huge majority but not so sure people have made up their mind yet. Far-rage is trying to infiltrate the torey party from without (gb news etc) and from within (by becoming an MP), either way the goal is to permanently shift the toreys to the hard right or even far right on some issues. Dictatorships can start by democratic means.
There are a lot of 'Don't Knows' out there who may warm to Farage/Reform.
As he stated in his speech, he was ridiculed as UKIP leader, but managed to swing the Brexit referendum.
He was slated at the 2019 election, but was responsible for Boris' walkover and 80+ majority.
Slate him again........at your peril ;)
there will be very very few Labour voters that will swap to Reform

most will move from Conservative to Reform

So Farage will benefit Labour mostly
there will be very very few Labour voters that will swap to Reform

most will move from Conservative to Reform

So Farage will benefit Labour mostly
I'm referring specifically to Clacton, however your point will likely stand.
As an aside, I hope the poll predictions prove true for the SNP, they also need their wings clipped for a while.
Anyone on here care to stick their neck out and predict that 'garbage' won’t win?
I'll take that.

I'm sure he will get a few seats. You can sort of predict where and why.

But a majority, I don't see that.
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