What if Reform won? (Farage emergency announcement at 4pm)

Reform are heading to the position of official opposition

Oh, I see.

You are under the impression that Farage's company will win more parliamentary seats than the Conservative party.

Are you getting professional treatment for your delusions?
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Oh, I see.

You are under the impression that Farage's company will win more parliamentary seats than the Conservative party.

Are you getting professional treatment for your delusions?
Its a prediction - I am happy to wait and see. But labour and the Conservative both seem rattled by farage's move.
I’ll try again.


< Yawn> Do you have the brain of a child or do you consider yourself some kind of a wordsmith with the pathetic names you make up?
Perhaps you think you're humorous? Takes all sort I suppose.
A request. Please don't waste our time or get our hopes up by making up stories of selling up, booking containers for your furniture and one way tickets out of the country for you and your family again if the vote doesn't go the way you want it too, like you did after the last GE. We all know how that turned out.

As I said, I’ll try again. Let’s see if it’s the mere mention of Ella’s ‘I’m leaving' post or the link to it that got my last post deleted. Some people don’t like being reminded of it. Must have hit a nerve.
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But labour and the Conservative both seem rattled by farage's move
Note how conspiracists never use evidence only emotive terms like “rattled”

Farage will split the Conservative vote a bit
Farage won’t affect Labour

So you are just talking about Tories, already in crisis

By the way Farage has lost 6 times out of 7, you are wetting yer knickers over a loser
The toreys might be a little concerned if he won. but would probably just elect someone more right wing than him as leader, his job is to make the hard right the centre ground. And represent his constituents, but its hard too see how he would get them government investment.
Must have hit a nerve to work up a post at three in t'morning. :mrgreen:
Got up to let the dog out for a shìt - saw that one of our new ovens was asking for an update, chose 'yes' and cocked it all up! Had time on my hands while it was doing that. Language changed to German and when it was done, it went into shop display mode. Tried to correct that, gave up at 4.00, switched it off at the mains and went back to bed. Still stuck in display mode at the moment. Going to have to get on to Neff - apparently they can 'take over' the oven from their office and make settings through my 'home connect' account. Poxy connected devices!
Got up to let the dog out for a shìt - saw that one of our new ovens was asking for an update, chose 'yes' and cocked it all up! Had time on my hands while it was doing that. Language changed to German and when it was done, it went into shop display mode. Tried to correct that, gave up at 4.00, switched it off at the mains and went back to bed. Still stuck in display mode at the moment. Going to have to get on to Neff - apparently they can 'take over' the oven from their office and make settings through my 'home connect' account. Poxy connected devices!
F*****g ell what a nightmare at that time of the night :oops:

That’s the sort of thing that happens to me
Reform exists to scare the Conservatives to go further right, somewhere between BNP and facism.
And the silly strategists at No10 keep falling for it.

A major part of Tories loyal base are small c Conservatives and they hate all this.
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