What if there's no Brexit ?

7 Jan 2010
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Dystopia, a small island too close to Europe
United Kingdom
Everyone is guessing at the ramifications of Brexit, deal or no deal. Any guesses as to the fate of the UK if Brexit is cancelled and we stay in the eu , will they just pretend that nothing happened, or will we be like the battered wife who goes back to her abusive husband, when he swears things will be different ?
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Everyone is guessing at the ramifications of Brexit, deal or no deal. Any guesses as to the fate of the UK if Brexit is cancelled and we stay in the eu , will they just pretend that nothing happened, or will we be like the battered wife who goes back to her abusive husband, when he swears things will be different ?

My guess is that this forum would become very quiet, eerily silent save for the occasional post by Notch saying how well northern sheep farmers are doing.
We would retain the advantages of free movement of people, goods and services, and membership of the Single Market.

however we will have lost, and it may take years to win back or replace, contracts with customers and suppliers who had to find alternatives during the Brexit Catastroflick.

The nation will have contempt for our political parties and politicians.

Our reputation as a competent nation has been lost for a generation. We would have to clear out all the bellicose idiots who put us into this situation. Having a fresh crop of younger politicians would change the national dynamic, perhaps in an energetic drive for improvement, as happened when idealistic and poltically aware troops retuned after WW2 and rebuilt Britain and the other Europeran nations. Nobody knows. It is interesting to reflect that the younger generation of Britons are the most pro-EU in the world.

If we leave, we will have those disadvantages, but worse; but not the first advantage.
or will we be like the battered wife who goes back to her abusive husband, when he swears things will be different ?
That's the wrong way round isn't it?

Surely more like a husband (or wife) who walks out on his family, then realises what he had was better.
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That's the wrong way round isn't it?

Surely more like a husband (or wife) who walks out on his family, then realises what he had was better.

I don't think so EFL

Any guesses as to the fate of the UK if Brexit is cancelled and we stay in the eu , will they just pretend that nothing happened, or will we be like the battered wife who goes back to her abusive husband, when he swears things will be different ?
I was completely ambivalent towards the EU prior to Brexit. I'm expecting my life to improve dramatically once we leave, especially if we leave without a deal. I have not been a prolific reader of the DM but looking at their past couple of decades of 'journalistic produce', they have painted the EU as a financial burden to the UK, evil, corrupt and showing utter contempt towards the UK. That we have been shackled slaves burdened by their laws. That we have been down-trodden and held back financially. It is going to feel like a liberation, comparable only to the freedom felt and the burden lifted during the summer of '45.

If we stay in, I'm guessing my ambivalence will be my undoing. I will just have to continue and plod on being a successful builder, whilst the EU carries on with their evil and hope my children will be able to escape to somewhere better.
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Everyone is guessing at the ramifications of Brexit, deal or no deal. Any guesses as to the fate of the UK if Brexit is cancelled and we stay in the eu , will they just pretend that nothing happened, or will we be like the battered wife who goes back to her abusive husband, when he swears things will be different ?

No, the EU arent interested in playing games they will want to work for the common good of the 28 nations.
the EU has around 500million people - Brexit is not a huge issue for them, if the UK choose to leave and wreck itself.....upto the UK, if it stays they would appreciate a key player in the development of the EU wishes to stay.

The EU are realising that the UKs constitutional crisis is likely to go for years and years.
They are now thinking how they can manage it over that period.

No deal or a deal still means years of the EU having to deal with the UK.
The one advantage to the EU if the UK does Brexit is they wont have to tolerate the Brexit MEPs anymore -who I have to say are a complete embarrassment to the UK
You spelled payer wrong. :whistle:
Clearly my post was intended for people are able to have an adult debate.

Obviously I am happy for you to express your ignorance, although it is rather tiresome
I think there is a very good chance we won’t leave now. The political mood has changed, MPs will get away with ignoring the referendum under the guise of getting a “toxic” pm out. The EU will be happy to keep the 1bn a month and will probably ask us to pay the costs via a trimming of the rebate.
Clearly my post was intended for people are able to have an adult debate.

Obviously I am happy for you to express your ignorance, although it is rather tiresome
What could be more adult than a grown up correcting a child’s spelling?
Any guesses as to the fate of the UK if Brexit is cancelled and we stay in the eu

Us leavers will have to spend three years arguing about what type of remain we want, from amongst the types on offer.
I think there is a very good chance we won’t leave now. The political mood has changed, MPs will get away with ignoring the referendum under the guise of getting a “toxic” pm out. The EU will be happy to keep the 1bn a month and will probably ask us to pay the costs via a trimming of the rebate.
8 or 9 billion per year divided by 12 is.....not 1b per month.
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