What is BR?

Sure you don't mean Railtrack? The rump survived to sell off the assets and distribute the remains to shareholders.
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Under the 1993 Railways Act, the old British Rail was split up and sold off. By November 1997, British Rail had been divested of all its operating railway functions.

The remaining functions of the British Railways Board are now discharged by BRB (Residuary) Ltd. The company is owned by the Government and reports to the Department for Transport.

As a residuary body, the company is responsible for discharging a variety of functions, including obligations in respect of liabilities acquired by British Rail as a major employer over nearly half a century and as a direct result of the privatisation process.
overground services as opposed to trams light rail or underground

underground overground wombles are we (now does a generation know who they are?)
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Thermo said:
overground services as opposed to trams light rail or underground

underground overground wombles are we (now does a generation know who they are?)

One of them runs my local pub, no word of a lie.
does he get strange looks when the customers walk in and look at his grey fur and big long brown nose?

(which one is he? orinocco, uncle bulgaria, tobermorry, tomsk, wellington (not madame cherlay surely!)
....and I'll tell you another thing. Salt & Vinegar should be blue and Cheese and Onion should be green.........
Eddie M

British rail still exists as a company, I don't know what it does but it still exists
Dont think so, Just done companies house search (only quick one)
All BR companies (ltd/plc) are Dormant OR Dissolved.
Maybe it has gone now, but I know that BR existed long after the formation of RailTrack.

Re: Which womble runs our local, I don't know which one he was, I'll try to find out, but you'll have to understand it's not a question that one can broach directly :D
BRB (Residuary) Limited

Privatised - but not everything !!


BRB (Residuary) Limited retains responsibility for around 4000 structures - including bridges, viaducts, tunnels, retaining walls and culverts - that are associated with closed railway lines. These are distributed throughout England, Scotland and Wales. Every structure is examined annually and work is undertaken as required to keep them in a safe condition.
Many structures have been demolished or sold following closure of the railway.
Structures owned by BRB (Residuary) Limited are marked with a distinctive reference number that comprises a route identifier and a structure number. For example, Ingleton Viaduct has reference INL/88 which indicates that this is structure No 88 on the Ingleton Branch.

Keep paying the taxes boys - Beware the kilted jaw-twitcher as PM -- Didn't he say he was out to remove tax breaks?? :eek:

Fancy some land - the odd goods yard or signal box??
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